Title: 用於混合式對映的多通道固態硬碟之混合式通道綁定策略
A hybrid channel binding strategy for multichannel SSDs with hybrid mapping
Authors: 賴品學
Keywords: 固態硬碟;綁定;SSD;Channel Binding
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: 近來快閃記憶體因其抗震、便宜、體積小等優勢,被廣泛運用在通訊裝置及儲存裝置中,各家廠商為了追求更高的效能,其內部會採用多通道架構,藉由平行存取各塊快閃記憶體晶片,提升整體的讀寫吞吐量,而多通道的綁定方式一般為了實作上比較容易都是採用靜態綁定的方式,但在一般使用者寫入的情況通道寫入不平均的狀況很明顯,因而導致通道空閒和老化不平均的問題,因此本篇論文題出了一個用於混合式對映演算法上的通道綁定策略,稱為混合式通道綁定,利用空閒的通道幫忙資料較多通道消耗資料,以平衡每個通道的寫入量。實驗結果顯示,我們提出的方法和靜態綁定相比通道空閒度改善了30%左右,通道的入量差異也由原本的30%降低到5%以內。
In recently years, because of the higher shock resistance , cheap and small size, flash memory is used widely in communication equipment and storage devices. SSDs enhance the overall performance with adopting a multichannel architecture. Generally, multichannel use static binding because of easy implement. However, the general user write is uneven , and it will result in channel idle and inconsistent aging between channels. This study presents a binding strategy for hybrid mapping FTL, called hybrid channel binding, which use the idle channel to help flush the deepest buffer to balance the amount of written page. Experimental results show that our method compared to static binding improves about 10~30% in idle time, and the amount of the difference channel is reduced form the 30% to less than 5%.
Appears in Collections:Thesis