標題: 文化貿易中的競合--壟斷、衝突與防衛
Competition and Cooperation in Cultural Trade: Monopoly, Conflict and Defense
作者: 洪宜君
Hung, I-Chun
Liu, Ta-Ho
關鍵字: 全球化;文化貿易;文化認同;文化產業;防衛;衝突;Globalization;Cultural Trade;Cultural Industries;Cultural Identity;Defense;Conflict
公開日期: 2015
摘要: 全球化下資本主義與自由貿易交互作用的結果,文化商品透過全球流通的方式大張旗鼓、強勢文化鋪天蓋地的席捲,本文便是從生活中所接觸到的文化商品所可能產生的文化認同危機出發,透過觀察資本主義發展下文化霸權藉由世界貿易、促使文化商品在世界流通的貿易場域角力關係,理解相對弱勢國家在此之中的處境。 在相對弱勢國家之中,面對大型資本的運作(如迪士尼、好萊塢電影工業),根據經濟學理論對文化貿易所進行的研究,它輔助我們發現:文化貿易確實對自身國家的文化(生活方式、價值觀等)與發展中的文化產業可能造成影響。也因此,國際間文化商品流通的文化貿易上,時常有保護或自由貿易的爭議,如美國便是自由貿易的推崇者,而法國與加拿大則是站在保護的立場,雙方在貿易上碰撞。近年,因UNESCO的《保護和促進文化多樣性公約》的生成,使得持保護立場的國家在國際貿易協定的談判上更為有利,且如同一個模範,其他國家在文化貿易上多少也將此考慮在談判之中。 本文認為適度的保護對於自身國家的文化保存與認同的維持有所助益,故在從經濟學與社會學角度揭示貿易角力關係之際,也將針對現有文化安全閥設置之情形的保護立場進行討論,並隨之檢視台灣的文化整體環境,以從中借鏡。承上所述,本研究將分做四個階段來進行討論:全球化與文化貿易的知識背景、貿易壟斷的解析、國際間的防衛機制與台灣的檢視探討。
On globalization, capitalism and free trade influence each other’s outcome and the hegemonic cultural goods of international cultural trade circulate around the world in an aggressive manner. The present research’s point of departure is that cultural identity crisis could arise from the cultural products we consume in our lives. By observing the cultural hegemony of international trade that facilitates the circulation of cultural goods in the market in the context of the expansion of capitalism we can start to understand the plight of relatively weak countries in it. According to some economic theories of cultural trade, for these underpowered countries confronting large-scale capital operations (like Disney or the Hollywood film industry), cultural trade does indeed affect the culture (for example, the way of life and values) and cultural industry development. As a result, there are often controversies related to protectionism or liberalism in international cultural trade strategy. For instance, the United States supports free trade but France and Canada are protectionists and they enter conflict with the former. In recent years, UNESCO released the Convention on Protection and Promotion of Diversity of Cultural Expressions, which favored protectionists in the international trade negotiations and through example made more countries think and consider guard tactics in international trade agreement. This research points out that if we insist on the safe guard of cultural trade in a suitable way, it would help us in the conservation of cultural identity. So the present document, apart from using economic and sociological theory to analyze market competition, also tries to discuss the protectionist stance in cultural safe guard and reviews Taiwan’s cultural environment. Preceding this path, the document will be separated into four sections to discuss the following: the concept of globalization and cultural trade, an analysis of the monopoly of cultural trade, the mechanism of international defense and a review of Taiwan’s current situation.