Title: 基於輔助光源的主動式白平衡演算法
Auto White Balance Algorithm based on Secondary Light Source
Authors: 林昶強
Keywords: 白平衡;灰階理論;最大RGB值法;色域對應法;White Balance;Gray World;Max RGB;Gamut Mapping
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: 一般的自動白平衡演算法,包括灰界理論,最大RGB值法,色域對應法,皆是以估測白點作為運算基礎,透過估測出的白點來進行白平衡校正,如果當環境存在的白點數過少或是不存在白點時,將容易發生較大的白平衡偏差。   本論文主要是研究當環境不存在白點時,先進行原始環境影像的拍攝,再利用輔助光源來獲得另一張混合環境光源與輔助光源的影像,透過對兩組影像分析來計算出較佳的白平衡的結果。
The general auto white balance algorithms , including the gray world theory, the maximum RGB value theory, the gamut mapping theory, white points estimates are based for white balance correction. When the environment has too few white points or white points are not existed, the white balance result will be not good.   The purpose of this study is to do white balance correction with secondary light source when the environment has no white points. To take the original image in the environment and to take another image with secondary light source , through the analysis of two images to calculate the better white balance results.
Appears in Collections:Thesis