Title: | 一個具有去檔案重複功能之私有雲端CDMI儲存服務 A file-deduplicated private cloud storage service using CDMI |
Authors: | 王宇寧 Wang, Yu-Ning 袁賢銘 Yuan, Shyan-Ming 網路工程研究所 |
Keywords: | 雲端儲存;私有雲;檔案去重複;分散式檔案系統;CDMI;Cloud storage;Private cloud;data deduplication;DFS |
Issue Date: | 2015 |
Abstract: | 近年來,雲端儲存服務廣受使用者喜愛,例如Dropbox的使用人數已突破兩億人!能夠輕易的跨平台以及跨機器的同步檔案是Dropbox受使用者青睞的原因,即使出門在外,使用者只要透過網路便能夠存取操作在家或在辦公室時已上傳到Dropbox裡的檔案。 但仍有一定比例的人認為這樣的服務吸引不了他們,因為使用諸如Dropbox,Box這類的雲端儲存服務,意味著使用者必須將資料存放在雲端儲存服務提供者端,檔案的安全性以及隱私權是這類型的使用者最擔心的事,這類人可能是企業、可能是認為檔案內容是極為機密,並不想存放在自己無法掌握的機器上的人,因此,產生了私人化的雲端儲存需求。 私人化雲端儲存擁有如同Dropbox的便利性,能夠在各平台以及機器間同步檔案,不同的地方是在於,該系統的硬體及軟體設備必須由使用者自己架設,如此一來便能夠確保檔案是存放在使用者信任的地方。私人化雲端儲存系統具備了公開的雲端儲存系統的便利性,並且保障檔案的隱私權,卻仍然有其缺點。由於硬體設備必須由系統使用者自行準備,因此儲存系統的空間大小會受限於硬體設備,並且私人化的雲端儲存相對於公開的雲端儲存,在彈性擴增或是刪減上,是較不方便的,因此如何有效的利用使用者現有的機器設備,提升儲存效率,就是一個值得解決的問題。 為了解決上述問題,本研究開發了一個具有去重複功能的私人化雲端儲存系統,能夠使得儲存效率提升,並且結合分散式檔案系統,使得本系統能夠輕易地架設並且具有擴充性,另外,本系統支援Cloud Data Management Interface,這是一個在2012年經過國際標準化組織認證的標準介面,因此使得儲存在本系統中的資料以及元數據都具備可攜性。 Cloud storage is popular recently years. For example, number of users in Dropbox has been over two hundred million. It is easy to synchronize files across platform and devices. But there are some people don’t think these services, like Dropbox, Box, are suit for them. Because the data security and privacy issue are worried by the users. Different form public cloud storage, the user of private cloud storage has to establish infrastructure of the private cloud storage. Consequentially, private cloud storage equips with the attributes of public cloud storage and protects the privacy of files. However, there are still some drawbacks of existing private cloud storage. If the different users upload identical files to storage, it’s waste storage space to save redundant data. Especially, the hardware is maintained by users themselves. Therefore, how to enhance the efficiency of storage space is a problem need to be solved. To solve these problems, this research developed a data deduplication cloud storage system which integrated with distributed file system to make the system easy to scale out. Moreover, the system supports an international standard, “Cloud Data Management Interface”, which largely increased the interoperability of the system. We have three experiments to estimate the proposed system. The results show that the proposed system can bring benefits to save upload response time and storage space. Enterprise, SOHO, and person will have a convenient way to store their data and access it by this system. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/126433 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |