Title: | 機坪地勤作業安全管理 Safety Management of Ramp Ground Operations |
Authors: | 鄭鴻銘 Cheng, Hung-Ming 汪進財 Wong, Jinn-Tsai 管理學院運輸物流學程 |
Keywords: | 機坪;人為因素;人為因素分析與歸類系統;Ramp;Human Factor;HFACS |
Issue Date: | 2015 |
Abstract: | 機坪為機場空側之一部分,為航機落地後與起飛前停靠與接駁旅客及貨物之處及地勤業者作業之場地,參與機坪作業單位最多,亦為航機於空側區域停留時間最長之場所。機坪作業之效率除影響航機地面停等時間外,一旦機坪作業發生事故,對於搭機旅客、航空貨運業主及航空公司地面作業將產生關聯性之影響,同時亦可能造成停機坪及在空之航機運作與航空公司後續航班和組員之調度。
由於國內目前對於機坪發生地安事件之原因較少進行分析與探討,本研究將100年至103年國內機場所發生之地安事件造成航機停機檢修,以「人為因素分析與歸類系統(Human Factors Analysis and Classification System,HFACS)」進行分析,期待瞭解地安事件發生原因中有關人為因素關係,以作為未來機坪作業查核之方向。
關鍵詞:機坪、人為因素、人為因素分析與歸類系統 Apron is part of airside at an airport, an area where aircraft are parked, unloaded or loaded, refueled, or boarded. It is the busiest part in the airport, usually packed with equipment from ground handlers, catering services, fueling companies and other agencies. The efficiency of the operations on the apron plays a very important role in the aircraft’s turnaround time. When an accident occurs on the apron, passengers, cargo, and ground operations are all affected. Consequently it delays the flights in the air and the dispatch of the flight crew. Due to lack of the research and analysis on the ground incidents that occurred on the apron, this research utilizes Human Factors Analysis and Classification System, HFACS to analyze ground incidents between 2011 and 2014 that caused damage to aircraft which required repair. The goals are to identify the causes of the incidents that are Human Factor related and to help guide the audits on the ground operation. This research discovers that when the 4th layer corporation resource management is poor, it results in the front line employees leaving the job. If the inexperienced and not well-trained new employees were forced to work overtime, also the 3rd layer staff are not supervising, ground incidents will occur due to inadequate skills, lack of preparedness and poor apron environment. Key words:Ramp、Human Factor、HFACS |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/126439 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |