Title: 著重文法形式(Form-Focused)與著重意義(Meaning-Focused)的文法教學對台灣國小學童 學習規則與不規則動詞過去式的成效影響
An Exploratory Study of Taiwanese EFL Elementary Students’ Learning of Regular and Irregular Past Tense Forms through Form-Focused versus Meaning-Focused Grammar Instruction
Authors: 歐雅達
Janda Aucamp
Keywords: 明示和內隱文法教學;故事朗讀;文法翻譯法;自然教學法;著重形式教學法;著重意義教學法;量化分析;識別和產出活動;台灣;英文作為外國語言;Explicit grammar instruction;;Implicit grammar instruction;;Story-reading-aloud;Grammar Translation Method;Natural Approach;Form focused instruction;Meaning focused instruction;Recognitions and Production Activities
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: 在現今全球化、國際化的趨勢之下,學習第二語和外語的蔚為潮流,學習外語的需求與潮流反映在政府的政策與人民的期許,且舉世皆然。因為多變的語言政策和趨勢促使我們持續尋找一個更好、更有效的學習方法來學習第二語或外語,如英語教育與學習,因此除了須同時考量學習者之心理及語言的發展的同時,我們必須更深入了解最好的教學方法,以建立有意義的教學方法。
There is a current and dynamic international tendency to put more emphasis on to the learning of second and foreign languages in line with the process of globalization. It is underwritten by governmental policies and population expectations, and extends beyond a geopolitical place and personal backgrounds. These policies and tendencies are dynamic and constantly search for better and more efficient approaches as can be seen in the dynamics and history of research on English as a second and foreign language. It is therefore important to gain a deeper understanding of best pedagogical practices while paying attention to the psycholinguistic readiness of language learners in order to set up meaningful instructional methods.
This quasi-experimental study sets out to gain a better understanding of the effectiveness of learners’ learning of the regular and irregular verbs in the past tense under different instructional conditions. Three intact EFL fourth grade classes from an inner-city public school in Northern Taiwan took part in this study. The instructional conditions were covered under explicit form-focused grammar instruction in line with traditional grammar instructional practices, versus meaning-focused grammar instruction based on the Natural Approach and embedded in reading-aloud storytelling as the means of instruction. Two story types were used, a children’s picture book and a teacher-researcher generated story, with the order of using the two stories counterbalanced. Experimental procedures were multiphasic and involved two treatment sessions that were randomly assigned to the three classes. Data collection consisted of a pre-, post-, and delayed posttest regime and took place nine weeks. The initial phase consisted of a pilot run and a baseline English proficiency test, to ensure comparability among the three classes. The second phase included an initial grammar pretest to ensure the viability of the follow-up grammar sessions and testing. It also incorporated an initial grammar instructional session under three experimental conditions, followed by a posttest, after which the second session was conducted. The same “pretest, treatment, posttest” format was followed for the second session. The final phase consisted of the delayed posttest two weeks after the second posttest and without any intervention in between.
Group 1(Gr1-FFI) received form-focused grammar instruction and learned the same set of past-tense verbs as groups 2 and 3 through explicit instruction, based on a traditional form-focused approach, -with a present-practice-produce sequence of instruction . Group 2 (Gr2-MFI-SH/HD) and Group 3 (Gr3-MFI-HD/SH) received meaning-focused treatments in an implicit grammar-teaching approach embedded in story reading-aloud. Group 2 and 3 received counterbalanced input, with Gr2-MFI-SH/HD’s first session based on a picture storybook, after which a grammar story was used for the second session. On the other hand, Gr3-MFI-HD/SH received input for the first session using the grammar story with the second session based on the picture book.
Three research questions were investigated. The first question focused on facilitative differences between explicit form-focused instruction versus implicit meaning focused instruction. The results of this study indicated significantly higher test results for Gr1-FFI compared with Gr2-MFI-SH/HD and Gr3-MFI-HD/SH. However, all three groups showed a significant increase in test results over time. The second question focused on facilitative differences between explicit meaning-focused vs implicit meaning-focused instruction when instruction is based on story reading-aloud techniques. Post-hoc analysis indicated a statistically significant increase in results over time for both groups. However no significant differences were measured between the groups, indicating that the format of instruction resulted in a significant test-result increase, but the sequence of story reading-aloud had no significant impact on results. Finally, the third question looked at the effective use of regular vs irregular verb changes among the participating population. Both regular and irregular verb changes showed a significant increase in test results over time. However, no significant differences were measured between verb forms over time.
Appears in Collections:畢業論文