DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorLee, Meng-Huaen_US
dc.contributor.authorLiu, Duen-Renen_US
dc.description.abstract製造業為追求效率、強化管理,紛紛導入資訊系統,隨使用目的不同,引進的系統也不同,除此外各單位為了業務上的需要,也會利用Office等文書軟體建立小型的資料庫或簡易的計算模組,無論資料是以任何形式的方式存在,對於企業而言,經過分析、統計與重組後,其結果可能都是具有價值的商業資訊,有助於提升企業的競爭力,因此如何蒐集、整合分散四處的資料並進而整合成可供參考的資訊,是具有挑戰性且重要的課題。 個案公司是一家中小型企業,產品為矽晶圓,主要資訊系統包含ERP與MES,各單位因業務需要,也會以Excel建立小型資料檔,因此有價值的商業資訊分散四處,造成取得與應用上的難度,加上不同的資料間的使用目的不同,彼此間未必有交集,往往需要再透過其他資料串聯才能加以合併使用,而個案公司的產品規格多樣、複雜,更增加了資料處理的難度, 生產管理是影響製造是否順暢的重要腳色,其接觸的單位很多,遭遇問題牽涉的範圍也很廣,當需要從系統取得資訊進行決策時,往往從單一系統取得的資訊,難免不夠完整或無法完全適用,即使透過資訊單位取得所需的資訊,也已失去時效性。因此本研究嘗試以生管主要職責作為出發點,分析在執行業務的過程中,需要進行決策判斷的時機,並依此設計輔助決策的報表,由於報表所需資訊可能分散於不同系統,且原始資料需要重組、合併等處理,因此期望透過EAI加以整合,最終建立輔助生管決策之資訊系統。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractTo gain efficiency and strengthen quality control, manufacturers implement various information systems depending on needs and requirements. Often times, Microsoft Office is also adopted for establishing simplified computing models or databases. Regardless of how information is recorded or collected, data after statistical analysis and restructure can be meaningful and helpful to enterprises. Therefore, how to collect decentralized data and integrate them into meaningful information is both challenging and important. The studied case in this research is a medium size enterprise that produces silicon wafers with a large number of specifications. The company currently uses Enterprise Resource Planning and Manufacturing Execution Systems software to access and control their data. Besides, excel application is also the common way to process and keep data within the company. Therefore, as different platforms of software are used, valuable data are also scattered and cannot be crossed referenced. Meaningful information becomes difficult to obtain. Crucial business decision making moments are often missed as a consequence and often times, wrong strategic directions are made due to lack of timely and correct information. Production management plays a critical role in keeping production processes working smoothly and efficiently. This department not only has to interact with a wide range of different departments, it also needs to resolve issues and conquer problems on a daily basis. When production managers need to draw information from current database, numbers from one platform normally are not enough nor complete. Even with the help of Information Technology department, most likely, the data IT provides are outdated or not in use. Therefore this study attempts to forecast decision making moments during business process and formulate reports that will assist managers to make better decisions. Since these reports need to collect data from various platforms, Enterprise Application Integration solution is expected to apply. The final goal of this study is to establish a decision making support system to help production management make timely and accurate decisions.en_US
dc.subjectEnterprise Application Integrationen_US
dc.subjectProduction Controlen_US
dc.subjectDecision Supporten_US
dc.titleApplying Enterprise Application Integration to Establish Decision Support Systems for Production Controlen_US