標題: 自我價值動機與呈現型式的廣告策略對於網路消費者品牌態度和推薦意圖之影響
Effects of Personal Value Motivation and Presentation format on Online Consumer’s Brand Attitude and Recommendation Intention
作者: 唐惠宣
Tang, Hui-Syuan
Wang, Hui-Chih
Chen, An-Pin
關鍵字: 廣告策略;自我價值動機;呈現型式;廣告態度;品牌態度;推薦意圖;Advertising Strategy;Brand Attitude;Advertising Attitude;Personal Value Motivation;Presentation Format
公開日期: 2015
摘要: 便利的網路影音平台,諸如Youtube,大幅地改寫過去十年的廣告生態。相較過去每周或每個月才有幾部新的電視廣告,現在每天都有數千部新的廣告或影片在Youtube播放。如何出奇制勝,在如此巨大且更迭快速的資訊中獲取網路使用者的注意力與推薦分享意願,成為企業主最關心的溝通策略。本研究根據文獻探討提出模型推論與假說,探究根據不同的自我價值動機(個人/相互)與呈現型式(直述/疑問)設計的網路廣告,是否會造就不同的廣告注意力。而注意力是否會進一步影響廣告態度、品牌態度,並提高訊息轉發的意願。利用實驗室實驗法,本研究針對業界A品牌設計四個版本的網路廣告,受測者看完網路廣告後立即填答問卷,共取得85份有效樣本。分析結果指出價值動機未顯著影響注意力,然而,不同的廣告訊息呈現型式,直述型比疑問型陳述更能吸引個人的注意力。當個人的注意力增高,廣告態度、品牌態度以及推薦意圖也會隨之顯著增強。研究結果和過去文獻的差異,或可點出網際網路從2000年急速發展至今,大幅改變了20-25歲年輕世代的價值認同。對於日新月異的網路行銷競爭,是相當值得重視與參考的市場情報。
It’s convenient video platform on the Internet, such as Youtube. Over the past decade, it dramatically rewritten the advertising ecosystem. Compared to last year, only a week or a month have few new TV ad, and now thousands of new ads or videos playback on Youtube every day. How to defeat one's opponent by a surprise move? In such a huge and rapid change of information get the Internet user's attention and recommendation willingness to share. And it becomes the business owners are most concerned about communication strategies. This study was based on literature to explore the model of inference and investigate hypotheses. It depending on the value of the personal motivations (Independent / Interdependent) and presentation format (Declarative/ Interrogative-Declarative) designs network advertising if will create different attention of advertising. The attention is further affect advertising attitude, brand attitude, and improve willingness of the information forwarded. Using the laboratory experiment, this study design four versions of Internet advertising for the A brand, subjects who completed the questionnaire immediately after watching Internet advertising. There are totally 85 valid samples. The results pointed out that the personal motivation is not significant to affect the attention, however, a different type of advertising messages, the declarative more attractive than the interrogative attention. The personal attention get higher, advertising attitude, brand attitude and a recommendation intention will also significantly increase. This study findings differences with past literature or points out the Internet rapid development from 2000 to date, it substantially change 20-25 years younger generations the recognition of the value. For the daily renewal Internet marketing competition, it is well worth the emphasis and reference market information.