Title: | 電子產業衍生子公司成功關鍵因素探討 The Study of Critical Factors of Electronic Industry's Spin-off |
Authors: | 林秀美 Lin, Hsiu-Mei 朱博湧 Chu, Po-Young 管理學院高階主管管理碩士學程 |
Keywords: | 衍生公司;關鍵成功因素;內部創業;電子產業;Spin-off;Critical Successful Factor;Internal Entrepreneurship;Electronic Industry |
Issue Date: | 2015 |
Abstract: | 本研究透過深入訪談並配合問卷方式,探討影響台灣電子產業衍生子公司的成功關鍵因素,將可能影響衍生公司成功的因素分為衍生程序﹝八項﹞及衍生內涵﹝六項﹞,共十四項因素分析其相關程度。研究發現母公司占衍生公司股本比率、衍生公司產生方式、對專業經理人的授權程度、衍生公司留才配套制度、母公司適時提供必要專家意見縮短摸索期、股權分配計畫與董監事規劃、首任執行長在母公司年資、主要技術團隊是否來自母公司、主要技術是否自行研發產生及衍生公司產品與母公司產品關聯性均與衍生公司的成功有關,但使用母公司人才難易度、在母公司的培育期長短、首任執行長的專業背景及主要營運團隊是否來自母公司並無影響。 研究結果建議母公司要在堅定的信任基礎上衍生公司,包括對衍生公司專業經理人給予充分授權、選任在母公司擁有一定年資與歷練的專業經理人籌組衍生公司、對衍生公司初期的資本強力支持、並對衍生公司股權分配與董監事作適當規劃、同時母公司的角色如同教練對子公司提供必要諮詢與輔導服務,再來衍生公司宜由母公司技術自行研發內部創業所產生,更甚者在衍生初期為降低其不確定性,在衍生公司的人才配套制度要考慮完善。以上設計原則將有助衍生公司未來發展的成功,提升衍生公司存活率與績效。 The purpose of this study is to explore the critical successful factors for the spin–off process in the electronic industry in Taiwan. This study has first identified fourteen factors possibly related to the successful spin-off process in the electronic industry in Taiwan. With the in-depth interviews and questionnaires approach, this study has concluded ten factors is critical to the successful development the spin-off in the electronic industry in Taiwan, containing six among the eight spin-off procedure factors, and four among the six spin-off content factors. The study has found the spin-off companies of electronic industry in Taiwan more likely to survive, succeed and deliver good performance if they are based on parent company’s dominant core tech vertical business extension, incubating with maturity , owning majority shares and board members; selecting the suitable founder CEOand technical team with overall experiences in parent company; obtaining parent company’s trust on running autonomy with coaching supports; designing a delicate plan on talents retention and incentive programs. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/126539 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |