Title: 污水廠進流抽水站最佳化節能研究
Optimization of water pumping station in sewage treatment plants
Authors: 陳尚鴻
Chen , Shang-Hong
Fu , Wu-Shung
Keywords: 汙水廠;進流抽水站;灰色理論;水泵抽水;gray theorem;water pumping station;sewage treatment plants;pump
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: 近年來由於經濟與工業快速發展,污水處理廠處理污水的普及率已經是文明社會進步的一種指標,其影響日漸成為重要之課題,藉由預測污水進流量、水泵機械特性與揚程關係,將濕井維持在高液位下使水泵節能抽水,因此進流抽水站最佳化節能的主要核心是在高液位下任何時間點預測有多少污水進入濕井,並隨即抽掉進入濕井的汙水量,分別以預估汙水進流量、提高濕井液位高度的主要參數建立出固定液位區間、高斯分佈、Delay method即時監控、灰色理論操作模式等四種方式,對其進流抽水站達到最佳化節能研究。其結果顯示,經由使用研究提出之節能方法,比起原本無調頻監控方法之操作,本研究提出之方法可減少25%之能源消耗。
The popularization of polluted water treatment is an important indicator of the urban planning. In order to save the pumping energy, the prediction of the water inflow, mechanical property of pressure head, and raising the level of sink. In this study, four operating methods are established to optimize the pump system, fixed method, Guess distribution method, Delay method for instant monitoring, Gray system theorem operating method by prediction of the water inflow, and raising level of sink for pumping station in sewage treatment plants in terms of energy-saving research. Due to the implement of these methods, the pumping energy can be reduce about 25% than without the optimization.
Appears in Collections:Thesis