Title: 考量聯外道路之觀光地區脆弱度評估模式
A Model for Assessing Vulnerability of Tourist Area Considering the Access Roads
Authors: 陳惠君
Chen, Hui-Jun
Feng, Cheng-Min
Hsieh, Cheng-Hsien
Keywords: 觀光地區聯外道路;觀光地區脆弱度;脆弱度指標;風險評估;Access Road of Tourist Area;Assessing Vulnerability of Tourist Area;Vulnerability Indexes;Risk Assessment
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: 臺灣位在歐亞大陸板塊與菲律賓海板塊交界處,地形複雜且地震頻繁,加上近年來氣候變遷,極端氣候使天然災害發生次數日益頻繁,地震造成土壤鬆動,每逢大雨容易發生土石流,而災區如果未有足以抵禦之能力,災害將導致龐大的財務損失以及人員傷亡。過去脆弱度相關研究未將觀光地區和聯外道路進行結合,本研究將結合脆弱度、觀光地區和聯外道路三個主題,建構適用於觀光地區聯外道路之脆弱度評估模式。   本研究透過文獻回顧之方式,彙整影響脆弱度之面向、因子,並找出適合的指標,建構觀光地區聯外道路之脆弱度評估模式,本研究選出四項脆弱度面向、六項脆弱度因子以及九項指標,以日月潭國家風景區與阿里山國家風景區作為例,分析結果發現阿里山國家風景區整體脆弱度高於日月潭國家風景區,相對脆弱之原因為觀光發展衝擊以及民生需求備援能力,最後,應用風險評估之概念,將危害度納入分析,分析結果發現阿里山國家風景區為高危害且高脆弱之地區,應優先改善其脆弱度,避免災害造成龐大的損失。   本研究所建立觀光地區聯外道路之脆弱度評估模式,供地方了解災害可能造成的損失與衝擊,藉由脆弱度評估指標互相比較,找出相對脆弱之原因,進行改善,期許能作為政府相關單位強化防救災工作以及分配防災資源之重要參考依據。
Taiwan, an island located on the border between the Eurasia plate and the Philippine Sea plate,is part of the circum-Pacific seismic belt, which has the high mountains, steep slope and frequent earthquakes, together with the heavy rainfall, cause more and more geohazards of landslides and debris. The view of climate change may lead to severe disaster, If the disaster area hasn't enough ability to defense against natural disasters, the disaster would lead to huge financial losses and casualties. The tourist area in the mountain area, which is located in remote districts has higher environmental fragility and less ability to withstand disaster. The study which is combine vulnerability with tourist area and access road constructs a model for assessing vulnerability of tourist area considering the access roads. Through the literature review, the hierarchy of the study has four aspects, six Impact factor and nine indexes. The Sun Moon Lake National Scenic Area and the Alishan National Scenic Area as an example to analyze. The analytical results is that the overall vulnerability of the Alishan National Scenic Area is more vulnerable than the Sun Moon Lake National Scenic Area. The key reason Alishan National Scenic Area is high vulnerability area is more serious impact of tourism development and worse ability of disaster recovery. Finally, apply the concept of risk assessment, the analysis found that the Alishan National Scenic Area is a highly hazardous and highly vulnerable areas which should be priority to improve its vulnerability, and avoid the huge losses causing by disasters.
Appears in Collections:Thesis