標題: 影響在職者離職意圖及求職者工作接受意願之相關因素探討
The Influential Factors of Turnover Intention and Job Offer Acceptance
作者: 許雅筑
Hsu, Ya-Chu
Lin, Chieh-Peng
關鍵字: 企業社會責任;公司吸引力;招聘程序正義;職場成功預期;工作接受意願;離職意圖;信號理論;CSR engagement;Procedural justice;Firm attractive;Career success expectation;Philanthropic CSR engagement;Job offer acceptance;Turnover intention
公開日期: 2015
摘要: 不管是過去二十年或是未來的二十年,只要是企業組織需要有勞動力的存在,則管理者與員工之間的關係都將會是一直持續探討重要的話題,而人才流動是公司較少被探討到的無形成本。人是公司組織的基本構成,就管理的角度而言,本研究分為兩大部分假設,首先針對影響在職者的離職意圖探討,而後研究求職者對於接受工作時所考慮之相關因素,以上進行研究假說驗證。 根據實證結果與研究發現,本研究提出管理意涵與研究限制。
Whether in the past or next 20 years, as long as corporations require labor, the dynamics between management and employees will continue to be a critical issue for exploration; however, the flow of labor in companies represents intangible costs that has been a rarely explored topic. People are the foundation of organizations and from the management perspective, this study makes two major assumptions: the first explores the influences that result in turnover intention; the second explores the job offer acceptance of job seekers. The research hypotheses are verified in this study. Base on its empirical result and research findings, this study provides managerial implications and research limitations.