Title: EEG/NIRS 同步量測以WCST測試於前額葉認知功能研究
Simultaneous EEG/NIRS method for prefrontal cortex detection with mental focus task by WCST
Authors: 呂玳丞
Keywords: 腦電圖;近紅外光譜;認知測驗;非侵入式;前額葉;同步量測;NIRS;EEG;WCST;Prefrontal;Mental Focus Task;Brain
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: 在高壓力與老齡化的社會生活下,腦部疾病的增長已成為現代社會和都市生活中不可忽視的問題,由於目前醫療儀器對於腦部疾病的檢測,不僅在量測時對病人有許多的限制,也無法有效的評估病症的嚴重程度,因此在治療上無法給定患者客製化的療程,為此我們將研究一套整合近紅外光(NIRS)與腦電圖(EEG)的同步量測技術,透過威斯康辛卡片分類測驗(WCST),來偵測大腦前額葉的生理資訊與活化程度,以推斷受試者的大腦活動狀態,藉此來評估不同受試者之間的特殊表徵,增加腦部疾病檢測的可靠度,實驗結果發現,透過兩訊號的相互輔助,對相同年齡的正常受試者,能夠分辨不同認知程度的大腦活化狀態,也能透過兩訊號的相關性判斷不同年齡的生理差異,未來若能進一歩對腦部疾病患者進行量測,並比較患者與正常人之間的差異,將能增加此技術的可靠性,相信在未來的臨床量測上將有很大的潛力。
Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) is a noninvasive neuroimaging tool for measuring evoked functional changes of brain oxygenation. Electroencephalography (EEG) coherence can be used to evaluate the functionality of cortical connections and to obtain information of regional cortical activity. Coregistration of EEG-NIRS is a recent technique that was used to analyze the changes in both electrical and local hemodynamic activities of human brain. This coregistration is useful to avoid misleading interpretation of NIRS, especially in the diagnosis of neurological disorders. In this research, we investigate an approach to the analysis of enhance accuracy of NIRS by EEG for physiological activities in mental focus task. We use the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST) as subjects mental focus task, and we found that EEG and NIRS signals has two types’ trends for normal subjects. These information can help us to understand brain activation status and we can determine subject’s degree of mental concentration. If we can develop standards for the diagnosis of neurological disorders, it can help doctor to diagnosis cognitive disorders patient, then we will abandon traditional methods of questionnaire to determine patients.
Appears in Collections:Thesis