DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorPeng, Chia-Yingen_US
dc.contributor.authorLin, Chong-Weien_US
dc.description.abstract身心障礙者的就業與聘僱一直是勞動力研究的重要課題,本研究針對13位新竹地區的企業招募者(含招募人員及部門主管)和身心障礙求職者(肢體障礙及視覺障礙)進行半結構式訪談,焦點在探索現有勞雇雙方的媒合平台與求職歷程到底有哪些資訊和認知上的落差?從而歸納出未來公私部門在身障者就業促進與媒合機制的創新方向和具體作法。 首先,在企業招募者部分,本研究以計畫行為理論為基礎,從態度、主觀規範與行為控制知覺三個角度,收集雇主對招募身障者的主觀意願、職缺需求、資訊需求,以及對於身障進用政策和招募管道的建言,研究發現:(一)雇主不能了解身障分類與程度,期望能有相關簡介和統計資訊;(二)對身障者的履歷內容沒有把握,希望有佐證資料或詳細說明其障礙影響生活與工作的情況;(三)雇主認為聘僱身障者成本高、但生產力低,期望了解總成本和可申請的協助與補助;(四)政策法令的宣導和主動介入輔導有助於提升雇用意願;(五)現有媒合平台應改善,提升履歷的質與量;(六)無障礙環境的諮詢與輔導應提早於聘僱前後;(七)需要第三方協助介入所聘僱身障者的職場輔導。 其次,針對身心障礙求職者,本研究則從求職歷程探索其個人因素、環境因素、歷程因素在求職過程的影響,以及資訊需求。研究發現:(一)身障者大多對求職無自信,尋找工作以能適合自己障別的職缺為優先;(二)目前媒合平台工作少、媒合不準確,擬求職之雇主缺乏專人協助求職的問題;(三)雇主所提供的職缺內容訊息不足,希望有制式選項供雇主點選,以及該工作的生理活動限制情形;(四)希望政府加強推動無障礙環境,提供各障別所需的工作環境評估協助,也希望雇主刊登職缺時應提供工作環境之資訊與照片;(六)既有身障就業政策成效有限,希望加強罰緩、獎勵與法規宣導;(七)多數身障職缺為約聘,希望能多針對身障者專長與技能開缺,或在合約快到期時協助轉介。 最後,本研究認為,為解決上述身障就業議題中勞雇雙方在實務上的需求落差,無論從公部門或私部門,未來亟需設置一個專門的服務提供者,提供雙方在聘僱流程中甄、選、育、用、留所需的各項協助,掌握雇主提供在招募身障者所需的協助及期望可了解的資訊、以及身障者在求職時在意的因素及影響,更能確切掌握每個雇主的求才條件與企業文化、以及掌握每一個身障求職者的障礙程度與身體的影響內容,做適當的媒合、轉介、輔導、訓練等,以減少雙方在整個求職歷程裡的資訊落差,從而達成身障就業適才適所的理想。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractDisabled employment is a big issue in the labour market. The purpose of the study is to understand what is the information divide between the employment processes. The study adopted the qualitative research in a semi-structured interview. The interviewed objects are 13 recruiters and disabled employees (including physically disabled and visual impairment). The study collected recruiters’ needs and suggestions from their attitude, subjective norm, and perceived behavior control, based on the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB). And there are 7 findings: (1) Recruiters cannot define disabled classification and need relative introduction and information. (2) Recruiters need more evidence material to know disabled employees. (3)Recruiters want to know the cost and allowance when they hire disabled persons. (4) The government should enhance the law awareness and assist the company can increase the willing to hire disabled employees. (5) The current should be improved with providing more candidates and more precisely placement mechanism. (6) The barrier-free environment assistance should be advanced from on-boarding to recruiting. (7) The instruction and guidance for disabled employees after onboarding should be assisted by professional third-party. As for disabled job seekers, the study collected their needs and information from their job-searching process, and there are 6 finding: (1) Most of the disabled job seekers do not have enough confidence and give preference to find the job they can afford. (2) They need assisted during the employment process by the designated person. (3) Employers should provide more detail information about the jobs. (4)The government should promote the barrier-free environment, and employers should provide environment pictures on the job information. (5)The government should enhance the policy of disabled employment. (6)They hope get the job that suit their skills and ability instead of the contract and low level job. The study suggests that there should be a professional service provider, and solves the information and needs device between recruiters and disabled job seekers, and provide both side all assistance and information during employment process. And the service provider should definitely master in both the recruiters’ information (needs, corporate culture and job qualifications, etc.) and disabled job seekers’ information(e.g., needs, disabled status), and help job matching, referral, training suitably to achieve the goal to help recruiters hire right person and disabled job seekers could be in place.en_US
dc.subjectDisabled Employmenten_US
dc.subjectTheory of planned behavioren_US
dc.subjectJob Seeking Processen_US
dc.subjectJob seeking processen_US
dc.title身心障礙求職就業媒合的關鍵資訊探討 – 身心障礙求職者求職歷程與招募者用人計畫之比較zh_TW
dc.titleAnalysis on the Critical Information for the Placement of the Disabled - a Comparison between the Disabled Job Seeking and Organizational Staffing Processen_US