Title: 綠色驅動品牌價值_透過接觸點研究以O公司為例
Green Boosts brand value : A Study on Company O from the Perspective of Contact Point Theory
Authors: 周玉鈴
Chou, Yu-ling
Zhu, Bo-yong
Huang, Kuan-cheng
Keywords: 品牌形象;消費者行為;綠色永續;接觸點理論;brand image;consumer behavior;sustainability;contact point theory
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: 全球知名綠色企業專家安德魯‧溫斯頓 (Andrew S. Winston) 指出:「當其他企業在原地踏步時,綠 色創新能協助你在市場中取得領先地位」。個案公司以 Green Life Style 品牌自居,傳達的是屬於台灣 在地的綠色文化素養;訴說的是這塊土地與生命的連結,在小處看見綠色設計思維、在大處看見減碳 減廢內化為愛地球的文化。C2C搖籃到搖籃概念設計將污染防治與減廢, 從源頭把關, 最感動客戶的 是低防腐配方, 給人安心的種種清潔製程, 讓個案公司綠色工廠成為體驗後簽約的驅動因子。 個案公司夢想的具體落實是蓋一棟綠建築工廠。而今綠建築總部一年有 300 天不需使用空調。屋頂 設有「太陽能」與「風力」發電系統,水足跡管理一水多用,唯有堅持陪伴信心走到全面減碳,對產品 碳盤查,全球第一瓶碳中和洗髮精,也是全球第一棟綠建築化粧品廠作碳盤查。給你安心的綠色工廠。 個案公司從綠色工廠開啟了一門門的好生意,國際展覽上的過客,喜歡產品卻不能盡信MIT台灣品牌, 展後飛到台灣來,參訪綠色工廠後變成簽約顧客。 綠色文化確能傳遞感動,綠建築裡的工作團隊,預約參訪,三年來累計一萬伍仟人次,本研究問卷 結論發現:從接觸點,對品牌形象、品牌產品差異化、品牌定位、意願購買、產品屬性、顧客利益皆有 正向認同,接觸後顯著提高品牌權益。
“Going green drives innovation, offers new competitive opportunities and can lead to profitable growth.” was declared by Andrew S. Winston, a renowned scholar of green enterprise studies. As a green life style brand that emphasizes local green culture and the connection between life and the land, the company O embraces an earth-loving vision and focuses on green design to reduce wastes and carbon emissions. Through implementation of the C2C design concepts, the company O also boasts clean production and formulation with minimum preservatives. The efforts result in great business opportunities for the company dramatically. The company O has always been ambitious about building a green factory even though it does not enjoy the same financial support as big businesses do. In 2009, Company O successfully built the green factory, which featured more than 300 days of AC-free annually. Wind and solar power systems are further installed on the roof of the building to generate electricity. Learning from the water footprint management system, the factory recycles and reuses water as much as possible. Last but not least, the company audits it carbon inventory to achieve a more comprehensive carbon neutralization practice. With these efforts, the company proudly presents the world’s first carbon-neutral shampoo and becomes the first green cosmetic factory in Asia. The green factory has created a lot of business opportunities for the Company O. International trade show participants who are fond of Taiwanese products, they usually do not have enough trust on the product quality. After flying to Taiwan to have a close look at the Company O’s green factory, visitors often decide to sign a business contract with the company. With its touching green culture, the Company O has attracted over 15,000 visitors to the factory all over the world. From the perspective of contact point theory, this study investigates if the green experiences through the tour would give visitors better understanding of the brand concept and create add-on value to the MIT (made in Taiwan) products. As the analysis of the questionnaires shows, the answer is positive.
Appears in Collections:Thesis