標題: 行動式無障礙餐廳資訊調查工具的設計 - 取徑情境故事法的個案分析
Designing Mobile Investigation App for Accessible Restaurant - A Case Study based on Scenario Approach
作者: 周怡華
關鍵字: 行動式;調查工具;無障礙餐廳;個案研討;情境故事法;Mobile;Investigation App;Accessible Restaurant;Case Study;Scenario Approach
公開日期: 2015
摘要: 在平權社會的浪潮與高齡社會的挑戰下,無障礙環境與服務的推動是各國刻不容緩的議題。臺灣众社會企業透過訓練和聘僱身障者使用其行動調查工具,蒐集台北市友善餐廳的資訊,再透過智慧APP提供所有行動不便族群(身障人士、年長人士及孕婦等)無障礙環境資訊及引導服務,解決城市無法在短時間內完成全面性無障礙環境建置的問題,樹立了運用資通訊科技推動社會創新與智慧城市發展的一個典範。 本研究從臺灣無障礙環境的法令規章分析開始,透過參與觀察法紀錄肢障與視障身障者使用众社會企業行動調查工具收集無障礙餐廳資訊的流程,以情境故事法切割身障者至餐廳用餐的各種服務情境,並佐以身障者焦點團體訪談法,嘗試驗證該工具的適用性和可行性。研究結果發現,從行動不便者的主要無障礙資訊需求來看,無障礙餐廳調查工具主要應涵蓋以下四大項目,按權重排列順序為:(1)餐廳出入口寬敞程度及門的設計形式、(2)餐廳內部通道、桌椅設置空間及結帳櫃台高度、(3)廁所門口寬度與內部符合無障礙規範設計,以及(4)無障礙充電插座、停車位及餐廳人員服務態度等。 其次,在資訊調查工具的調查流程方面,研究結果發現應以至餐廳用餐順序的情境進行逐一設計為佳,以便利身障者的實際工作流程,包含:(1)推薦與選擇將前往用餐與調查的餐廳、(2)餐廳出入口無障礙狀況、大門進出與引導就座、(3)進行餐廳內部動線、用餐桌椅、無障礙廁所、結帳櫃臺項目調查、(4)用餐過程中跟餐廳服務人員之互動、菜色紀錄與其他無障礙設施直到離開餐廳為合宜。 最後,透過身障者個別與焦點團體訪談,檢驗众社會企業既有行動調查工具,其調查項目及流程均符合適用性和可行性,應用智慧行動載具做為調查工具,且兼具錄音、拍照及攝影等特殊功能性設計,齊全完備且攜帶便利為身障者所樂用,唯目前提供視障者參與並進行調查之相關功能猶未完備,應為後續改善的重要方向。
The implementation of accessible environment and services is an imperative worldwide issue under the tides of equal rights and challenges of aging society. OurCityLove Social Enterprise Taiwan collects information about accessible restaurants by training and hiring handicapped people to use their mobile investigation tools and provides all the physically challenged groups (the handicapped, the elders and women with pregnancy ) information of accessible restaurants and the guidance through mobile intelligent applications to offer a solution to which the city cannot complete the establishment of accessible environment in the short term and sets an example of fulfilling society innovation and smart city development by utilizing information and communication technology. Starting from analyzing legal regulations regarding accessible environment in Taiwan, this study aims to validate the suitability and feasibility of the mobile investigation tool. Participant Observation was used to record the process of collecting the information of accessible restaurants from the physically disabled, the visually-impaired and the handicapped using the tools provided by OurCityLove Social Enterprise Taiwan. Furthermore, Scenario Approach and Focus groups were used to divide the scenarios which handicapped people dine in restaurants into several ones to retrieve information. The results demonstrates that accessible restaurants are ought to contain four aspects based on the major accessible demands of the handicapped as below : (1)The space of entrance and exit and the design of the door in a restaurant;(2)The internal passages, the placement of tables and chairs and the height of a cashier in restaurants;(3)The width of toilet doors and interior design to meet accessible regulations, and;(4)Accessible rechargers, parking lots and services of restaurant staffs, etc. Moreover, in the process of investigation tools, results appear that it would be appropriate to design practical workflows regarding each scenario based on dinning orders to accommodate the handicapped, including:(1)Promotion and choices for the restaurants for dinning and investigation;(2)The accessible status of entrances and exits in the restaurants, incoming and outgoing and guidance to seats.(3)Process the investigation of internal routes, dining tables and seats, accessible toilets, cashiers.(4)The fine interaction between waiters and guests, dishes records and other accessible instruments until leaving the restaurants. However, the related functions of investigation for visually-impaired people had not been accomplished. It is supposed to be the critical guidance of sequential improvement.