Title: 單位球上的次數三之代數超曲面
Algebraic Hypersurfaces of Degree Three in the Unit Sphere
Authors: 余冠群
Yu, Kuan-Chun
Hsu, Yi-Jung
Keywords: 微分幾何;代數極小超曲面;均曲率;differential geometry;algebraic minimal hypersurfaces;mean curvature
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: 在論文中,我們想要建構出次數三之代數極小超曲面M^{n},在單位S^{n+1}上一類的特殊解。這其實也就是在找尋此方程式Σϕiϕijϕj-|∇ϕj|^{2}Δϕ = 0 mod ϕ的特殊解,其中ϕ:R^{n+2}→R是一個三次齊次不可分解多項式。對此,我們就可以用這類特殊解明確的描述在不同維度下,單位球上的極小超曲面。
In this thesis, we want to construct a certain class of algebraic minimal hypersurface M^{n} of degree three in the unit sphere S^{n+1}. The idea is to find a class of
special solutions to the equation Σϕiϕijϕj-|∇ϕj|^{2}Δϕ = 0 mod ϕ, where ϕ:R^{n+2}→R is a homogeneous irreducible polynomial of degree three. Using these special solutions, we find certain minimal hypersurfaces in explicit form with various dimensions.
Appears in Collections:Thesis