標題: 影響持續更新資料意願之關鍵因素-以能源局管線圖資系統為例
The Key Factors Influencing the Intention of Continued Data Updating –The Case of Moeaboe’s Pipeline GIS
作者: 賴名豊
Lai, Ming-Li
Hwang, Hsin-Ginn
關鍵字: 持續使用意願;持續更新資料意願;瓦斯管線;地理資訊系統;滿意度;Continuance Intention;Continued Data Updating Intention;Gas Pipeline;GIS;Satisfaction
公開日期: 2015
摘要: 台灣經歷了2014年7月31日的高雄氣爆,爆出許多人為疏失與管理機制的問題。氣爆的發生是由許多因素集合後的產生結果,如果有一個因素去除,事件也許就不會發生。這次的氣爆雖然是石化管線與瓦斯管線無關,但是其衍生出來的議題,是關於地下管線資料更新的問題。 現今政府雖然已建置許多相關的地理資訊系統(GIS),但是建置後的資料未被管線業務單位積極的持續更新與維護資料,以至於管線資料未能真實符合實際狀況。本研究目的是希望能找出影響持續更新資料意願之關鍵因素,以期望確認理論之「資訊系統持續使用模型」(簡稱ECT-IS)為基礎架構,並經過3次的專家會議討論。首次的專家會議是對個別專家進行訪談,整合諸位專家建議與參考ECT-IS的相關文獻後,提出修正後的研究架構。 本研究採用問卷調查法,透過網路問卷收集資料,共有41人填答,得有效問卷31份,有效問卷率達75.61%。以 PLS來檢定所有的研究假設及量測模型之信度與效度。研究結果分述如下:1.瓦斯公司使用者的「滿意度」顯著影響使用能源局管線圖資系統之「持續更新資料意願」;2. 瓦斯公司使用者的「認知有用性」會顯著影響使用能源局管線圖資系統之「滿意度」,但不會顯著影響「持續更新資料意願」;3.瓦斯公司使用者的「易用性確認」對「認知有用性」與「滿意度」無顯著的相關。4.瓦斯公司使用者的「主觀規範確認」經由「認知強制性」的干擾後,會顯著影響「滿意度」;經由「認知強制性」的干擾後對「認知有用性」無顯著的相關。5. 瓦斯公司使用者的「幫助條件確認」會顯著影響使用能源局管線圖資系統之「認知有用性」,但是與「滿意度」無顯著的相關。
On July 31 2014, a series of gas explosions occurred in Kaohsiung, Taiwan, and following many issues of human mistakes and poorly management of data. The possible causes by many different factors, and if some factor was removed, the event might not occured. Although gas explosion resulted from propene and not natural gas, they lead to same problem about continued data updating of pipelines beneath public roads. Our government had developed many geographic information system (GIS), but pipeline companies didn’t update data continuously, therefore data were not consist with truth. The purpose of this study is to investigate critical factors affecting the continuly use, based on the modified expectation-confirmation theory (ECT-IS), and holded three rounds of expert panels. The first round started with individual interviews, and then after two rounds with expert questionnaire, this research framework was proposed by integrated the expert’s suggestions and copy of questionnaires. A survey methodology was utilized for this thesis. Data was collected via on-line questionnaire, and a total of 41 copies of questionnaire was collected. A total of 31 copies of questionnaire was valid and valid rate is 75.61%. PLS was used to test all hypotheses as well as reliability and validity. The results of this study indicate as follows: 1) “Satisfaction” factor has significantly affect on the intention to continued data update of the Moeaboe’s pipe GIS; 2) “Perceived usefulness” factor has significantly affects on satisfaction factor, but there is no significant relationship on intention to continued data update of the Moeaboe’s pipe GIS; 3) “Ease of use confirmation” factor has not significantly affects on both satisfaction factor and perceived usefulness factor. 4) “Subjective norms confirmation” has significantly affects on satisfaction factor but not perceived usefulness factor by “perceived mandatory” moderator. 5) " Facilitating conditions confirmation" has significantly affects on perceived usefulness factor but not satisfaction factor.
Appears in Collections:Thesis