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dc.contributor.authorKo, Shun-Jenen_US
dc.contributor.authorHwang, Hsin-Ginnen_US
dc.description.abstract台灣即將邁入世界衛生組織所定義的老年社會,人口結構老化除了讓罹患慢性疾病的人數增加之外,也讓民眾就醫連續性的問題浮出檯面,老年人、殘障人士與居住在偏遠地區的民眾,往往需要花費較多的時間與成本才能得到需要的醫療照護。近幾年隨著雲端科技的進步,改變了既有的醫療照護模式,透過雲端運算的特性讓整合性的醫療照護服務有實現的機會。有鑑於此,政府近年來投入大量的資金,積極推動雲端基礎建設,並將照護雲相關應用列為重點發展的項目,而照護雲的主要任務是建置國內醫療照護機構共用的雲端照護平台,目標是藉由減少資訊系統的建置成本來降低醫療機構導入照護雲的障礙,未來希望讓民眾能在正確的時間與地點得到需要的個人化照護服務。而政府推動照護雲的成功與否,其中一個重要的因素就是要確保醫療機構能夠有意願採用照護雲相關應用,因此,了解影響醫療機構採用照護雲意圖的關鍵因素是很重要的。 本研究利用科技-組織-環境架構,並加入相關變數來探討影響醫療機構採用照護雲意圖的關鍵因素,以國內區域層級以上之醫院的資訊部門主管為研究對象,共寄出109份問卷,總回收70 份問券,有效問卷為 60 份,有效回收率為 55%,並使用 SPSS 22與 SmartPLS 3.0 統計軟體進行資料分析。研究結果顯示,在組織構面中,高階主管支持與利益會正向影響照護雲的採用意願,而充足資源、倡導者與相對優勢並無顯著影響;在環境構面中,競爭壓力對於照護雲採用意願有正向影響,而政府政策並無顯著影響;最後,在科技構面中,複雜性會負向影響照護雲的採用意願,而相容性會正向影響照護雲的採用意願。 關鍵字:照護雲、雲端運算、科技-組織-環境架構zh_TW
dc.description.abstractTaiwan is on the eve of aged society defined by WHO (World Health Organization). Aging of population not only increase human suffering from chronic illnesses, but also make problem of treat continuously have come to light. The elderly, the handicapped and the people living in suburban district, always need to spend more time and cost to get medical care. With growth of cloud computing, changes caring model, through it can make integrated care come true. For those reason, government invests much capital in cloud infrastructure and promote it for the past few years, takes to the point to related care cloud applications to the point developing. The major examination is to build a plat sharing for declining the obstacle implemented care cloud, makes medical facilities lower Information technology system application cost. In the future, expect human to get personal health care in the right time and right way. One the factor of executed care cloud by government is to make sure medical organizations’ use will of related care cloud applications or not. Thus, it is important to understand the factor to affect medical facilities use care cloud. The study uses Technology-Organization-Environment(TOE)framework, and adds related variable to discuss the key factor of affecting use care cloud in medical organizations. The study chooses the level above regional hospitals for the sample published by manager of IT department. A total of 109 questionnaires are sent by post to the information technology staffs of medical centers and metropolitan hospitals. 60 questionnaires are returned and the response rate is 55%. The study use SPSS 22 and SmartPLS3.0 statistical software for data analysis. The result of organization framework indicates that top manager's support and benefits have positive effect on taking care cloud will, versus adequate resources, existence of champion and relative advantage do not have obvious influence. At organization, competitive pressure affects positively on using care cloud will, versus government policy does not have obvious impact. And at environment, complexity have negative effect on taking care cloud will, versus compatibility affects positively on it. Key words: Care cloud, Cloud computing, Technology-Organization-Environment (TOE) frameworken_US
dc.subjectCare clouden_US
dc.subjectCloud computingen_US
dc.subjectTechnology-Organization-Environment (TOE)en_US
dc.titleThe Key Factors Influencing the Intention participating care cloud of medical institutions - Information Supervisor Perspectiveen_US
Appears in Collections:Thesis