Title: 金屬催化苯基苯胺與丙烯酸酯偶合及理論計算探討
Palladium-catalyzed coupling of acrylates with biarylamines and computational study
Authors: 陳午寅
Chen, Wu-Yin
Zhu, Chaoyuan
Chuang, Shih-Ching
Keywords: 鈀;碳氫鍵活化;計算;palladium;C-H activation;computation
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: 本篇分成兩個部分,第一部分為利用鈀金屬催化,使用Pd(OAc)2當作催化劑,將鄰苯基苯胺的碳氫鍵活化,進一步與丙烯酸酯類反應,最後環化得到化合物3,並利用理論計算的方式,探討在不同條件下所得到的產物。本文將會探討最佳化反應條件,接著更換起始物上的取代基去進行反應,探討其推拉電子效應對反應性的影響。之後進行光譜分析及X光單晶繞射儀佐證該化合物之結構。 第二部分是運用理論計算的方式,計算鎳金屬鈷金屬銠金屬催化反應,探討其反應的選擇性。有機金屬催化現在是人們不可或缺合成有機化合物的方法,因為它的獨特反應性以及高效率,取代了很多傳統有機的合成方法,此部份是為了更了解其反應的途徑。
In this thesis, we have two parts. In the first part, we investigated palladium-catalyzed oxidative insertion alkene and cyclization of N-(Biphenyl-2-yl)acetamide through C−H bond activation and C−C, C−N bond formation under economical conditions to synthesize compound 3a−3w, and we also used the DFT to compare different intermediated in the different condition. Transition metal catalyst in synthetic organic chemistry is more attractive strategy than tranditional method.In the second part, orgin of distinguished regioselectivity of an unsymmetrical alkyne insertion toward under Ni- catalysis, Co-catalysis and Rh-catalysis was revealed through density functional theory (DFT) calculations.
Appears in Collections:Thesis