Title: 個人-組織適配、個人-工作適配對離職傾向的影響:以工作特性、自我效能為中介
The Effects of Person-Organization Fit and Person- Job Fit on Employee Turnover:The Mediation of Job Characteristics and Self-Efficacy
Authors: 石立慈
Shih, Li-Tzu
Wang, Yau-De
Keywords: 個人-組織適配;個人-工作適配;工作特性;自我效能;離職傾向;Person-Organization Fit,;Person-Job Fit;Job Characteristics;Self-Efficacy;Employee Turnover
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: 本研究係探討個人-組織適配、個人-工作適配對離職傾向的影響,並以工作特性、自我效能為中介。研究對象是以在組織內服務滿一年以上的在職者,施測對象包含各產業之企業組織之員工,以網路及紙本問卷來進行資料蒐集,共計取得190份問卷。分析回收問卷的結果:(1)個人-組織適配、個人-工作適配越高,會降低員工離職傾向;(2)工作特性會影響個人-組織適配、個人-工作適配與離職傾向間的關係,具部分中介效果;(3)自我效能會影響個人-組織適配與離職傾向間的關係,具部分中介效果(4)自我效能對個人-工作適配與離職傾向間不具中介效果。 本研究結果可以幫助企業藉由改善個人-組織適配、個人-工作適配,降低員工離職傾向,也可以透過改善員工的工作特性,並增強員工自我效能,降低員工離職傾向的產生。
The aims of this study were to examine the relationships between person-organization (P-O) fit, person-job (P-J) fit and employee’s turnover intention and the mediation effects of job characteristics and self-efficacy on these relationships. We collected data via paper and online questionnaires from 190 employees who had at least 1 year of tenure at their organizations. The results showed that (1) higher P-O or P-J fit resulted in lower employee turnover intention; (3) job characteristics mediated the relationships between P-O fit or P-J Fit and turnover intention; (3) self-efficacy mediated the relationship between the P-O fit on turnover intention; and (4) self-efficacy didn’t mediate the relationship between P-J fit and turnover intention. According to the above results, firms can reduce employees’ turnover intention by improving their P-O and P-J fit. Also by working on improving employees’ job characteristics and enhancing their self-efficacy, organizations can also reduce their employees’ turnover intention.
Appears in Collections:Thesis