標題: 在光互連系統採用垂直共振腔面射型雷射並作非線性失真補償技術
Nonlinear Compensation for Vertical-Cavity-Surface-Emitting Lasers in Optical Interconnects
作者: 鐘珮瑜
Chung, Pei-Yu
關鍵字: 光互連系統;非線性補償技術;垂直共振腔面射型雷射;Optical Interconnects;Nonlinear Compensation;Vertical-Cavity-Surface-Emitting Lasers;Postfilter
公開日期: 2015
摘要: 此論文在訊號處理上提出了三個獨特的論點:(1)OFDM訊號在E/O轉換上,非線性會造成訊號失真,使訊號的SNR下降;(2)非線性補償技術(Nonlinear compensation)能夠有效地補償非線性的影響,並修正訊號; (3) 我們採用不同的垂直共振腔型雷射,包含 980nm 單模雷射 和 850 nm 多模雷射, 皆能有效地補償非線性造成的失真現象。於實驗上,我們採用垂直共振腔型雷射並以OFDM傳輸0-500m OM4 fiber,在NLC和bit-loading的作用下,改善VCSEL之線性度,傳輸速度達到53、50、47、42 Gbps,分別在100公尺到500公尺的傳輸距離下。
In this work, we propose the following specific points: Firstly, OFDM signal cause nonlinear effects in the E/O conversion; Secondly, we develop Predistortion and Post-filter technique to compensate the nonlinear effects, and correct the waveform in DSP offline. Furthermore, we apply NLC technique in different device including 980nm single mode VCSEL and 850 multi-mode VCSEL. Last but not the least; we demonstrate the transmission performance of the 980nm single mode VCSEL. We successfully demonstrated an optical OFDM transmission with employing a 980-nm VCSEL. With applying bit-loading algorithm and NLC technique, we successively achieve a 53.51 GHz 100-m, 50 GHz 200-m, 47.55 GHz 300-m and 42.38 GHz 500-m OM4 fiber transmission.