標題: 利用液晶透鏡陣列提升光場顯微鏡的深度
Depth Enhancement of Light Field Microscopy with Liquid Crystal Lens Array
作者: 旋韻
Hsuan, Yun
Shieh, Han-Ping David
Huang, Yi-Pai
關鍵字: 液晶透鏡陣列;光場;景深;Liquid crystal lens array;light field;depth
公開日期: 2015
摘要: 顯微鏡技術使人類能夠觀察微小尺度的世界,理解生物上以及醫學上的問題。目前較為普及的顯微鏡只能獲取二維的影像,然而隨著生物醫學技術的發達,二維的資訊已不足以滿足研究需求,是故3D顯微鏡的重要性與日俱增。目前較為普及的3D顯微鏡為共焦式顯微鏡,藉由機械式改變焦平面來獲取三維影像。然而此種方式曠日廢時,故3D光場顯微鏡成為近幾年3D 顯微鏡的發展主要趨勢。3D光場顯微鏡藉由額外添加的透鏡陣列紀錄光場資訊,重建出不同深度影像,此種方法能迅速拍攝到不同深度的影像,減少觀測的時間。 而本篇論文則是用液晶透鏡陣列取代傳統3D光場顯微鏡的固定式透鏡陣列,其中液晶透鏡藉由電壓控制,藉由此特性配合時序性的方法,焦距變化範圍可以快速切換從2.4 mm 到 2.9 mm,進而將深度重建範圍從原先的0.15mm 提升到 0.6mm。
By using microscopy, scientists are able to discover the micro world and solve some critical problem on medical and biological technology. In general, microscopy is designed for capturing 2D image. However, with the development of medical science, 3D information becomes more important. The most common 3D microscopy is confocal microscopy which gets the 3D image by mechanical movement. However, it is time consuming. Recently, 3D light field microscopy becomes one of the most promising developments of 3D microscopy. By adding a micro-lens array in front of sensor, 3D light field microscopy is able to capture the light field information and reconstruct the 3D image. Moreover, this 3D image is captured without mechanical movement, so it saves lots of observation time. In this thesis, we proposed a liquid crystal lens array instead of fixed lens array for 3D light field microscopy. The focal length of liquid crystal lens can be electrically controlled from 2.4mm to 2.9mm. With this property, the refocusing range of object will be well extended from 0.15mm to 0.6 mm.