標題: 醫療器材科技成功商業化營運計劃書之撰寫 ﹣以flipMED營運計劃書為例
A Business Plan to a Medical Device Technology Succeeding in Commercialization - A Business Plan of flipMED
作者: 林泓杰
Lin, Hung-Chieh
Lim, Sirirat-Sae
關鍵字: 商業模式;新創事業;商業化;Business model;commercialization;start-up company
公開日期: 2015
摘要: 本研究以一新創公司(flipMED)之商業計劃為主軸,透過個案研究的方式,分析此新創事業的商業模式,進一步瞭解這家新創公司的行銷策略,包含產品、價格、通路,以及促銷策略,讓這家公司在競爭激烈的醫療產業中生存並成長。 flipMED的核心技術為智能耳內視鏡系統。傳統耳內視鏡已使用70餘年,但其缺點為無法用來記錄病人耳朵病灶。由於智慧型手機的興盛引領了將醫療器材結合智慧型手機的創新技術。flipMED結合智慧型手機和耳內視鏡,這個裝置可藉由手機鏡頭清楚記錄醫療影像,也可用來進行遠距醫療,也就是藉資訊科技來交換相隔兩地的病患的醫療臨床資料以取得醫師的專業意見,以克服空間甚至時間上的障礙。 本研究採取精實創業的商業模式以分析flipMED的商業模式,探究此flipMED如何提供價值予其目標客戶及如何與其競爭者競爭。另外,本研究藉由為flipMED撰寫商業計劃書,協助此公司了解市場並擬定行銷策略和財務分析以吸引投資人投資。
This research is based on the start-up company’s business plan, and adopts the case study method to analyze the startup’s business model in order to understand its marketing strategy. This analysis includes product, prices, place, and promotion, and it examines how the business can survive and grow in the current competitive medial industry. The innovative technology of the start-up company is the otoscope. The traditional otoscope has been used for at least 70 years, but cannot be used for recording symptoms of ear disease. The widespread use of modern smartphones has stimulated the increased demand for a connection between medical devices and smartphone technology. flipMED has designed the Smart Otoscope System to help doctors examine the patient’s ear by combining smartphone technologies with the otocsope. The device provides users with a clear picture through a connection with the smartphone’s lenses. The device can be used in the process of telemedicine, which is the use of information technology to exchange medical information from one site to another so as to improve a patient’s clinical health status. In order to conduct the analysis, this research has adopted the lean canvas introduced by Maurya (2012) in its discussion of how flipMED captures and delivers its value, and how it compares to its competitors. In addition, this research will aid the start-up company in investigating its market opportunities and to define its marketing strategies. In addition, it provides a financial analysis to help the start-up company commercialize the technology and acquire venture capital funding.