Title: 考量公共自行車系統之公共運輸旅次規劃演算法之研究
The Study of Public Transit Trip Planning considering Public Bicycles
Authors: 洪承佑
Hung, Cheng-Yu
Wang, Jin-Yuan
Keywords: 公共運輸旅次規劃演算法;公共自行車;public transit trip planning;public bicycles
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: 由於都會區內私人運具持有率仍居高不下,不僅造成道路交通擁擠及生活品質持續惡化之外,亦增加大量的社會成本,已影響到都市交通機能之順暢運作。為解決私人運具持有數與私人運具使用率持續上升所造成道路擁擠之問題,政府持續不斷推動公共運輸並建設完善的公共運輸系統,期望能夠有效地吸引民眾減少使用私人運具。
Since ratio of the car ownership stay high in the metropolitan area. Not only cause road congestion and the continued deterioration of the quality of life, but also increase the number of social costs. It has affected the operation of transportation functions of the city. In order to solve the problem of road congestion that caused by the increasing of holding private transport and utilization rate of private transport. The government continued to promote public transport and the construction of a comprehensive public transport system, hoping to attract people to reduce the use of private transport. In the public transportation systems, such as railway and MRT are subject to a certain station to take. So they can’t provide an on-door service. In the development of public transport, the first mile or the last-mile is the most important key point to affect people to use public transport. Taking transport demand and environmental awareness into account, the government launched public bicycle to improve the public transport network. Through combined with public bicycles and other green transport to construct a dense public transport network. So that people can more seamlessly use the public transport, thereby reducing the use of private transport. The purpose of this research is develops an algorithm, that can plan a trip with public bicycles and considering the user preferences. The results have shown that the algorithm can generate the reasonable alternatives immediately.
Appears in Collections:Thesis