標題: 心理距離與利他利己動機對汽車共乘意願的影響
The Effect of Psychological Distance and Altruistic or Egoistic Motivation on Carpool Intention
作者: 吳佳真
Wu, Chia-Chen
Jen, William
關鍵字: 心理距離;利他動機;利己動機;汽車共乘;psychological distance;altruistic;Egoistic;carpool
公開日期: 2015
摘要: 近年來隨著車輛數快速增長,對道路容量以及日常生活造成很大的負擔。主要是道路容量逐漸無法負荷過多的車輛而導致車道壅塞及停車問題,對道路通暢及駕駛人的行車安全等都有負面的影響,故而衍伸出「車輛共乘」的方式。過去學者提出研究指出消費者之決策行為會受到心理距離(空間遠近、時間遠近、關係遠近及機率高低)以及利他利己動機的影響,然而少有將之合併探討之研究。若業者能夠將心理距離與利己利他動機相結合,便能整合出一套適合推廣營運之模式,以提升民眾之汽車共乘意願。因此,本研究希望將心理距離結合利他利己動機,進一步分析影響民眾汽車共乘意願的重要因素,並為汽車共乘平台業者提供實務上的建議。研究結果顯示當空間距離較遠的情況下,相較於單純之利己動機,同時具有利他動機之民眾其汽車共乘意願較高。另外,不論是利他或是利己動機,只有當找到人共乘的機率較高時,民眾才會有較高的共乘意願。
Recently, the number of vehicles in Taiwan grows rapidly, becoming a serious problem in our lives. Mainly, because the lanes’ capacity overloaded, leading to congestion and parking problems. Therefore, according to the problems, it comes out a way trying to solve the problems, called “Carpooling”. In the past, many researchers find out that psychological distance and motivations will affect consumer decisions. However, there are few researches discussing psychological distance and motivations at the same time. Therefore, the research tries to combine psychological distance and motivations simultaneously. The purpose of this study is to find out important factors that influences consumers’ carpool intention. The research also proposed some managerial implications and suggestions for future research. The results show that as spatial distance grows, consumer with altruistic motivation will has higher carpool intention. And only when the probability of finding someone join the carpool is high, consumer will has higher carpool intention.
Appears in Collections:Thesis