Title: 機車於市區道路進行超車、鑽車和通過行為之特性分析
Powered-two-wheelers kinematic characteristics during passing, overtaking and filtering in urban arterials
Authors: 李威
Lee, Wei
Wong, Ka-Io
Keywords: 混合車流;市區道路;通過;超車;鑽車;mixed traffic flow;urban arterials;passing;overtaking;filtering
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: 國內市區道路混合車流以機車、汽車和公車為主要車種,台灣地區為全世界機車持有比例最高的國家,然而微觀模擬軟體無法完整呈現國內機車在混合車流中之行為模式,因此造成模擬的效果較差。本研究針對機車在路段中進行通過、超車和鑽車行為特性分析,過去微觀混合車流研究受限於原始資料收集不易,但是近年來隨著空拍設備不斷進步,配合數位化的影像修正軟體也開始發展,本研究建立台北市忠孝東路的混合車流資料庫,並且以程式化的方式進行鄰近車輛判斷,並以此為基礎來判定機車之通過、超車和鑽車行為,進而分析其特性。
The mixed traffic flow on urban arterials in Taiwan is composed of motorcycles, cars and buses. The number of motorcycles per inhabitant in Taiwan is overwhelmingly higher than that of the rest of the world. However, current microscopic simulation software made for foreign countries may fail to reflect the driving characteristics and behaviors of motorcycles in the mixed traffic flow for Taiwan. This research aims to analyze the driving characteristics of motorcycles during passing, overtaking and filtering.
For the past decades, the research progress on traffic flow studies for mixed traffic has been largely limited by the difficulties of collection for microscopic traffic data. Nevertheless, apparatuses for aerial photography along with digital-image processing software have improved greatly in recent years. In this study, the video database of mixed traffic flow for Zhongxiao E. road in Taipei city has been established and then applied to computer-programmed analysis.
The actions of motorcycles about passing other vehicles are defined and categorized into three types, namely, passing, overtaking and filtering. The behaviors and frequencies are then analyzed. Out results show that among three behaviors, passing happens the most, then overtaking and filtering. Regarding to the average speed of the powered-two-wheelers (abbreviated ptw), passing has the highest speed mainly due to the simple pathway in the flow, and is less influenced by vehicles on both sides. Therefore, passing has the highest average ptw speed and lower traffic risk and thus happens most frequently on roads. On the other hand, the overtaking of motorcycle to the other vehicle on their left side is more frequently happened than that on the right side. Due to the higher speed on the fast lane and the inconvenience that may encounter when buses stop at the curb lane, motorcycles tend to overtake the other by their left side. In the case of filtering, straight filtering happens the most and has the highest speed in all filtering behaviors. During filtering, the speed difference between filtering ptws and the vehicles on their right side is greater than the other, due to the common illegal parking on the curbside. Furthermore, the average filtering gap on the right side is smaller than the other two pathways.
In this study, we focused on the analysis of the characteristics of passing, overtaking and filtering behaviors, and established a judging system accordingly. On the basis of the initial results, the average speed, speed difference to the surrounding vehicles, distance between vehicles, filtering gap were further determined. Results of the analysis of variances (ANOVA) show that the driving speed, speed differences and distance between vehicles during passing and overtaking behaviors varied with significant differences. Although in the past researches, passing is often confused with overtaking, the analysis result in this study may suggest that these two acts are actually entirely different.
Appears in Collections:Thesis