Title: 結合金屬奈米材料與抗凝血劑肝素之生化感測器開發與研究
Development of metal nanomaterials assists anticoagulant heparin biosensors
Authors: 王碩鋒
Wang, Shuo-Feng
Hsieh, You-Zung
Keywords: 肝素;電化學;組織胺;螢光;溶菌酶;奈米材料;heparin;electrochemistry;histamine;fluorescence;lysozyme;nanomaterial
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: 肝素常作為抗凝血劑應用於手術預防危險的血管栓塞性疾病,然而過量使用肝素往往容易造成致命性出血的併發症。例如大量出血或者血小板減少等症狀。準確監控肝素施用量將可避免非預期之危險。所以肝素的檢測與定量也就格外的重要。而本實驗目的為開發不同生物感測器對肝素進行檢測。在第一部份為利用電化學方法,藉由肝素與組織胺之專一性辨識的特性,使得肝素與金奈米粒子表面的組織胺作用進而吸附上電極表面,透過偵測電極表面改變的電荷數來間接定量肝素。此方法可以得到非常高的靈敏度且具有非常寬廣的線性範圍。在第二個肝素螢光感測器中,利用了肝素會與溶菌酶產生結構上的改變進而抓取在一起,所以合成了具有螢光的溶菌酶金奈米團簇。當肝素與溶菌酶金奈米團簇在一起時肝素會抓取多個金奈米團簇上的溶菌酶進而使得金奈米團簇聚集在一起,團聚以後的金奈米團簇其量子 局限效應消失,使螢光強度隨著肝素濃度增加而下降,藉由這個方法可以簡單且靈敏的偵測肝素在血清中的含量。
Heparin could prevent thromboembolism as an anticoagulant drug. However, the excessive heparin doses led to fatal bleeding complication. Therefore, it is important to detect and monitor the concentration of heparin in serum. In this study, two brand new heparin bio-sensors were presented. The core strategy of first heparin electrochemical biosensor was based on specific adsorption between heparin and histamine. Heparin could adsorb on surface of gold nanoparticles, results in significant change of charges on electrode surface. This heparin electrochemical biosensor existed high sensitivity with wide linear range. The other one heparin colorimetric biosensor used lysozyme protected gold nanoclusters (Au NCs) as detection probe. Depending on the specific interaction between heparin and lysozyme, Au NCs aggregated in the presence of heparin, which lost its fluorescence property. By using this heparin colorimetric biosensor, heparin could easily and quickly be analyzed.
Appears in Collections:Thesis