标题: 应用ALOS PALSAR雷达干涉分析屏东地区地表变形时间序列
Time series of surface deformation in Pingtung Plain from ALOS PALSAR
作者: 李家莹
Lee, Chia-Ying
关键字: PSInSAR;TCPInSAR;时间序列;地层下陷;PSInSAR;TCPInSAR;Time-series;land subsidence
公开日期: 2015
摘要: 屏东平原是台湾目前持续有地层下陷之区域,其中最为严重的下陷区域是林边乡和佳冬乡沿岸区域。屏东平原地层下陷的原因主要是超抽地下水所导致。本研究使用两种不同的InSAR的技术进行屏东地区地层下陷的监测,并结合水文、地层下陷监测井与部分地质资料进行综合分析。研究中使用了由2006年至2011年18幅ALOS卫星影像获取屏东地区地表变形,使用TCPInSAR与PSInSAR技术监测并将其成果与水准测量成果进行比较,PSInSAR成果与水准成果差异之均方跟误差为0.98公分/每年,TCPInSAR成果与水准成果差异之均方跟误差为1.01公分/每年,显示InSAR之技术可成功应用于屏东地区。屏东之最大下陷量约在-3公分/每年,在时间序列的比较中发现在干季时地表变形多是属于下陷,在湿季时则有地层回胀趋势。利用地层下陷监测井的总压缩量与PSInSAR结果相比对,结果差异为毫米等级,PSInSAR所测得之变形量略大于地层下陷监测井测得之压缩量。
Pingtung Plain is the one of the counties in Taiwan suffering severe subsidence caused by groundwater withdrawal. The most serious area is located at Linpien and Chiatung. In this study, we use two InSAR methods, including Temporarily Coherent Point InSAR (TCPInSAR) and Persistent Scatterer InSAR (StaMPS), with 18 ALOS PALSAR acquisitions from 2007 to 2011 to determine land deformation. We combine the result with hydrological and land subsidence monitoring well data to analyze surface deformations in the Pingtung Plain. Results of this study show that the RMSE differences between the subsidence rates from leveling and InSAR are 0.98cm/yr and 1.01 cm/yr for PSInSAR and TCPInSAR, respectively, demonstrating the effectiveness of the two methods. The largest subsidence rate in Pingtung plain is about -3 cm/yr. The time series analysis confirms that the displacement rates of Pingtung vary with seasons. In the dry season, surface displacement rate are the largest due to settlement and the surface redounds during wet seasons. The subsidence values from monitoring well data and from PSInSAR agree to mm. The subsidence values from PSInSAR are slightly larger than that from the land subsidence monitoring well data.