Title: 偏軸型自由曲面於二維光場設計
Skew-Type Freeform Optics For Two-Dimensional Illumination
Authors: 黃紫洋
Huang, Zi-Yang
Keywords: 自由型曲面;freeform optics;partial differential equation;non-image optics;reflecter design
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: 在本篇論文中,我們提出了一個創新的自由型曲面設計構想。其所建構的曲面具有重新分配由點光源發出的光通量,使其滿足預設的光強度分布之特性。而數學模型的建立是由能量守恆以及反射定律,且在區域化的座標系統之下,提出類平面假設。最後可推導出一具有高度非線性之偏微分方程。在要求曲面的連續性以及平滑性的考量下,我們利用有限元素法求解此非線性偏微分方程。最後利用該演算法來設計特定分布的光學系統,並運用光學模擬軟體LightTools○R 來勘驗所設計的光學系統的照明表現。我們在目標面上所得到的光場分布與預設光場分布接近一致,誤差為4.5%。
In this thesis, we proposed an innovative freeform design
constructing a single reflector under a pre-defined illuminance distribution. Based on the energy conservation and ray tracing, the freeform surface can be modeled as a nonlinear partial differential equation (PDE) with small planar approximation. We developed a finite element method (FEM) to solve the PDE. In order to validate the proposed methodology, we implement an oval-shaped freeform. The simulation results shows we can achieve 4.5% RMS non-uniformity in close agreement with predefined illumination.
Appears in Collections:Thesis