標題: 綑綁的愉悅與女性情慾解放: 以《格雷的五十道陰影》之迷群為例
Binding for Pleasure and Liberation of Female Sexuality: An Example of《Fifty Shades of Grey》Fans
作者: 陳昭希
Chen, Chao-Hsi
Kuo, Liang-Wen
關鍵字: 女性情慾;後女性主義;羅曼史;迷群;皮繩愉虐;Female sexuality;post-feminism;romance;fan group;BDSM
公開日期: 2015
摘要: 羅曼史長久以來被女性主義者視為女人的迷幻藥,是逃避現實的一種消遣,但近年來《格雷的五十道陰影》卻在台灣吹起一股情慾羅曼史的浪潮,以女性視角為主的大量情慾書寫,將凝視客體與觀看主體的性別位置翻轉了,展現過去受到漠視和壓抑的女性情慾。本研究先以不同女性主義派別對羅曼史的觀點為基礎,而後討論當女性主義進入到後女性時期,陰性書寫的力量開始受到重視,女性拿回書寫的主權,將重點放在女人的身體、情慾和母體,為女性回復了在在陽具中心論中,被否定的差異性。 有一群對此文本深切著迷的讀者,研究者稱這群人為格雷迷群,本研究以深度訪談透過十三名台灣格雷迷的日常生活經歷,結合弗洛伊德之精神分析理論於書中角色的分析,探討成長背景是否影響她們從羅曼史迷成為格雷迷的過程,並以迷相關理論歸納其行為特質與愉悅經驗,並從中瞭解格雷迷創作同人文的意義和反思。 研究結果發現,女性渴望從閱讀/創作的過程獲得虛擬的男性關愛,是她們情慾解放的前提。迷群的創作是基於對原作不滿足的「二度逃逸」,一方面逃離現實性別權力結構的壓迫,一方面逃離看似針對女性角色的「厭女情節」,實則是對自己女性身分的「自我厭惡」,強調女性必須接受自己的陰性特質和獨特性。而對於《格雷的五十道陰影》出現的BDSM性愛方式,讓女性對父權宰制的性意識形態進行反抗,開放情慾態度,尊重不同主體的性實踐。 關鍵字:女性情慾、後女性主義、羅曼史、迷群、皮繩愉虐
Romance has long been regarded by the feminists as opium for women; it is an amusement for escapists. In recent years, the “Fifty Shades of Grey” series has aroused a fashion of erotic romance. The story is filled with lusts and passion from female’s viewing angles, reversing the traditionally subject vs. object gender positions, and revealing sexual desires that used to be ignored and depressed. The study copes with arguments and viewpoints on romance from various factions of feminism, and then turns to the discussions on the rise of feminine writing power when it comes to the post-feminism period, a time when women are trying to get back their sovereignty of writing and put more emphases on the body, the lust, and the maternity, in order to unshackle themselves from the ideologies of being the denied, weak gender in the penis-centered world. There exists a group of fascinated readers, called them the “Grey fan group”. In this study, in-depth interviews with 13 Grey fans in Taiwan are conducted and details recorded about their life experiences. By using the methodology employed in Freud's psychoanalytic theory, how their backgrounds play a crucial role in affecting the process of switching them from romance fans to Grey fans is explored. Furthermore, based on fan-related theories, I summarized their behaviors and experiences of joy and tried to figure out the humanistic meanings and reverse-thinking of the Grey-fan writers or creators. Research findings are as follows: women are eager to gain fictitious care from men in the world of reading or writing; such eagerness is the premise of liberation of sexuality. The composition or creation by the fan group can be seen as the “second escape”; they intend to flee from the practical world where power structure of the gender is unbalanced, and also flee from the “female-discriminating complex” that implies their self-loathing conflicts. Their purposes are trying to accept and value the femininity and uniqueness possessed by their own gender. The BDSM sex style shown in the movie implies that women are fighting against the patriarchy-dominated ideologies, becoming more liberalized toward sex, and persuading people to respect each individual in their pursuit and realization of sex. Key words: Female sexuality, post-feminism, romance, fan group, BDSM