標題: 關鍵零組件的迷思-共用引擎的文化分析
The Myth of Key Components-The Cultural Analysis of Common Engine
作者: 高資雅
Kao, Tzu-Ya
Lin, Chung-His
Chuang, Ya-Chung
關鍵字: 共用引擎;工研院;社會環境系統;技術環境系統;Common Engine;ITRI;Social Environment System;Technical Environment System
公開日期: 2015
摘要: 爬梳全球汽車產業發展的歷史,可將汽車廠發展模式大致分為三種:第一, 汽車廠擁有全面自主的技術,以全球為市場發展;第二,擁有部分的關鍵技術,並無完整個汽車文化,進入全球供應鏈之一;第三,以內需為主,主要在國內從事裝配。處於後進國家的台灣因缺少龐大的資本與時間做技術及知識的研究,透過向先進國家學習、移轉技術,以提升水平、進行創新變革,汽車產業也是透過此種方法建立。但因長期仰賴國外汽車大廠,技術資源掌控在大廠中。 1989 年政府宣布執行「共用引擎計劃」,透過製造汽車的心臟-引擎的方式,建立技術自主,提升零組件業者。計劃與英國 Lotus 合作進行引擎技術的學習與移轉,工研院機械所作為執行者積極聯繫產、政、學、研等單位彼此合作,並於 1995 年成立台灣第一家引擎公司「華擎機械」,1998 年生產第一部裝載台灣引擎的車輛-威利商用車,之後更提供引擎給台灣自主汽車品牌納智捷所使用。 本研究將以上述案例為對象分析這群工程師面對台灣發展引擎時的爭議,比對台灣汽車產業發狀況與三個模式之間的關係,透過三個矛盾的討論:民族工業與跨國 產業、引擎的個性化與共用引擎的普遍性、工程師的創新與紀律,來檢視台灣社會環境系統與技術環境系統對於汽車產業發展的助益與躓礙。
According to the history of automobile industry development, we can divide automobile industry develop model into three categories: First, the automobile factory have all the techniques mainly focused on global markets; Second, they have part of the key technology to go into one of the global supply chains; Third, they are mainly based on domestic markets. Being a latecomer country, Taiwan lacks of capital and time to do researches on related knowledge and techniques. In 1989, the government declared the execution on Common Engine program, through manufacturing the heart of the car- the way of the engine, established independent technology and promoted the automobile component manufacturers. Cooperating with the UK Lotus to conduct the learning on engine techniques and transfer, ITRI is the active executor connecting industry, government, research and other departments with the cooperation. In 1995, the first engine company "CEC" was established in Taiwan. In 1998, the first vehicle manufactured with Taiwan's engine- VERICA was produced. After that, ITRI even provided engines for LUXGEN-Taiwan brand vehicle company. This research uses the examples above to analyze the controversy of the engine development that these engineers faced and how they solved it.