Title: 品牌個性與廣告訴求的重要性:消費者偏好何種環保車?
Brand Personality and Appeal Type Matter: What Green Cars do Consumers Prefer?
Authors: 謝爾華
Hsieh, Er-Hua
Jen, William
Keywords: 調節焦點;品牌個性;說服力;綠色消費;Regulatory Focus;Brand Personality;Persuasiveness;Green Consumption
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: Higgins過去提出調節焦點理論,區別出兩種當人們想要達成一個目標時的態度(意即:趨利焦點與避害焦點)。在綠色消費中,已有學者討論針對不同調節焦點所操弄出之訊息框架的調節變數。然而,這些變數大都針對個人特質,在實際的商業運用上較難執行運用。因此,在此情境下我們提出一個新的調節變數──品牌個性(刺激、真誠)。我們認為廣告訊息的效果會被品牌個性調節,也就是此效果會視讀者當下的調節焦點與品牌個性而決定。本研究前測共詢問60 位受測者,協助調整研究問卷。正式問卷在新竹市區與交通大學畢業典禮當天進行發放,總計133位有效受測者。實驗結果顯示正式問卷具有良好的信度與效度,代表本研究問卷可以有效操弄受測者。再者,對願付價格而言,調節焦點與品牌個性有顯著的交互作用。然而,進一步的檢驗發現願付價格只有在避害焦點×刺激品牌的情境下顯著的低於其餘情境。此外,針對購買意願,本研究發現趨利焦點的訊息是比較有效的。總的來說,本研究提供了一些實務上的指南,做為行銷者日後想要有效地推銷環保車輛使用。不僅如此,我們藉由將品牌個性做為調節焦點納入討論,對調節焦點的文獻有所助益;我們也延伸品牌個性的影響因子,推展到了說服力的領域上。研究限制與未來可值得研究的方向將在文末進行討論。
Higgins proposed the Regulatory Focus theory, which distinguishes two ways of how people orient themselves to achieving a goal (i.e.: prevention focus and promotion focus). In green consumption, some moderating variables to message-framing of Regulatory Focus were examined. However, they were too individual specific and lack of efficacy of practical implementation. A new moderator, Brand Personality (sincerity and excitement), is therefore proposed. We think that the effectiveness of advertising message depends on its embedded Brand Personality. In this research, a total of 60 participants were asked to help us develop our research stimuli. Afterwards, 133 formal questionnaires were randomly distributed in downtown Hsin-Chu and at the commencement of National Chiao-Tung University. Results showed that all stimuli were fairly well manipulated, suggesting that they have good reliability and validity. Furthermore, an interaction effect of Brand Personality and Regulatory Focus is significant with respect to Willingness-to-Pay (WTP). However, the WTP is only significantly lower in the excitement × prevention-focused message condition than other conditions. In addition, promotion-focused message is more effective in terms of buying intention. This thesis provides some practical guidelines for marketers when trying to effectively promote a green car. Also, we enrich the literature of Regulatory Focus by taking Brand Personality into account, and extend the influence factors of Brand Personality to the dimension of persuasiveness. Limitation and future direction of research were also discussed
at the end of this thesis.
Appears in Collections:Thesis