標題: 長期演進網路之高能效協同式傳輸
Energy Efficient Collaborative Transmission in LTE networks
作者: 周建銘
Chou, Chie Ming
Huang, Ching Yao
電子工程學系 電子研究所
關鍵字: 能效 協同傳輸 第四代無線通訊系統;Energy Efficiency Collaborative Transmission 4G
公開日期: 2015
摘要: 近年來,隨者無線技術的蓬勃發展與各種無線運用的推陳出新,現今無線通訊業者迫切需要以低成本的方式來提升系統頻寬以滿足這些趨勢,為了達成此目標,大量且各式不同的小型基地台被廣泛地佈建,以用來增加系統吞吐量以及用戶傳輸速率。然而,隨者密集基地台的佈建,往往會大幅增加所需運轉的能量,因此如何達成高能源效率的傳輸是一個重要的課題。同時,用戶愈漸仰賴無線裝置享受各種無線應用,如何延長行動裝置的電池能效也是一個被關注的議題。在我們的研究當中,首先,我們廣泛地考慮長期演進蜂巢網路的接取控制行為來對於下行與上行能效進行表現分析,隨後對於下行能效與上行能效我們分別提出改進的方案:為了最大化下行能效,我們建議以中央資源控制的結構並搭配基因資源給予演算法來有效調整基地台協同式傳輸。對於上行能效,我們則運用個人區域網路的自身用戶中繼傳輸來節省終端設備功率消耗。最後,我們結合下行能效方案與上型能效方案提出一個聯合解決辦法並包含其他改進設計來針對長期演進網絡提供高能效協同式傳輸。
Recently, mobile data traffic grows significantly and network operators are anxious to find solutions to provide enormous capacity with low cost. To meet the demand, different types of small cells are introduced to efficiently increase system capacity and user throughput. On the contrary, when dense cells are deployed, the network energy consumption is increasing and how to make an energy-efficient transmission is vital. Meanwhile, people who extremely rely on wireless services expect to have low-power consumption device and ways to prolong battery life for mobile devices are also imperative. In this dissertation, we analyze Downlink Energy Efficiency and Uplink EE of Long Term Evolution (LTE) networks, with comprehensively taking access controls into consideration. Consequently, the approaches to improve DL EE and UL EE is proposed respectively. To maximize DL EE, we propose a Genetic Resource Provisioning (GRP) scheme to adapt the inter-cell collaborative transmission efficiently. Alternatively, within Personal Area Network (PAN), a self-user relaying (SUR) mechanism, a kind of inter-device collaboration, is used to reduce PAN’s power consumption. Enhancements for GRP and SUR is further designed to jointly improve energy efficiency in LTE networks.