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dc.contributor.authorChang, Yao-Lungen_US
dc.contributor.authorLin, Chin-Tengen_US
dc.description.abstract開車分心是造成意外事故的主要因素之一。先前研究顯示干擾刺激種類或工作負荷對分心駕駛皆有一定影響,但兩者的交互效果並未進行深入討論。因此,本研究整合車道偏移與目標偵測作業,透過操弄作業出現時間與數量,探討工作負荷與干擾刺激種類對專注駕駛行為的影響。結果發現: 駕駛表現會隨著工作負荷的增加而變慢,聽覺目標的出現則對操控車輛時間有較大的干擾,尤其在高負荷底下有交互作用出現。在腦波分析方面,額葉θ波(4-7 Hz)強度並未隨負荷量增加而有差異,但額葉β波(15-30 Hz)強度則明顯下降,駕駛反應變慢可能並非工作記憶不足,而是需要時間進行表徵切換所造成;另外,視覺干擾會活化前額葉-枕葉之γ連結網路 (30-50 Hz),以增強視覺訊息之注意與處理。但此連結網路與枕葉視覺區域(δ波和α波)在聽覺干擾情境則有明顯減少,這可能降低駕駛者處理車輛視覺線索的效率,成為反應時間變慢之原因。另外,本研究也透過眼動分析,初步發現其與工作負荷、駕駛反應時間和腦波特徵呈現不同關係,但仍須進一步進行分析與釐清。本研究結果除對分心駕駛的大腦機制有更進一步了解外,相關指標將作為發展分心駕駛預測或監控系統之依據。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe distractive driving is one of the main results cause the car accidents. According to the research in the past, different level of workloads and different kind of modalities make effect on the drivers’ distraction, but the interaction between these two types were still unknown. Therefore, this study combined the lane deviation with target detection tasks. By adjusting the number of and the occurrence of stimulus to explore how the workload and the modality affect the driving performance. On the basis of the study, the drivers’ behavior gets worse with the increasing of workload. Moreover, the auditory interference had a great effect on the reaction time of manipulating the vehicles under the high workload condition. By analyzing the brain dynamics data, the frontal theta band (4-7 Hz) had no difference with the ascending of the workload. The obviously decrease of frontal beta power band showed when the drivers switched the attention form visual task to the auditory task. The recession of the response time also has connection with the change of different modalities. In addition, visual interference can activate the low gamma (30-50 Hz) power band network from frontal to the occipital, so the drivers can deal with the visual information more efficiently. Besides, the networks of occipital gamma and alpha band was not apparent while auditory interference showed up. The phenomenon can indicate that the inactivation of these brain region may reduce of the drivers’ ability to make response to the car deviation, it could be the main reason which causes the drivers’ response time in auditory task was longer than the visual one. Furthermore, with the eye movement data, we discovered that there are some connection between workload, response time and the brain dynamics, but we have to find more evidence to prove it. According to this study, we will not only know the brain mechanism of the distraction driving, but also find out the related index to predict the behavior while they are distractive.en_US
dc.subject腦電波 刺激形式 分心 前額葉-枕葉網絡 專注力 干擾 工作負荷量zh_TW
dc.subjectEEG modality distraction frontal-occipital network attention interference workloaden_US
dc.title干擾種類與程度 對駕駛員專注開車之影響zh_TW
dc.titleInterference Effects of Modality and Workload on Attentional Drivingen_US
Appears in Collections:Thesis