標題: Sampling time effect on 2,4-Toluene diisocyanate concentration by using different samplers
作者: Tsai, CJ
Lin, HC
Lin, KY
Shih, TS
Chang, KC
Hung, IF
Deshpande, CG
Institute of Environmental Engineering
關鍵字: Toluene diisocynanate;sampling method;denuder sampler;filter sampler
公開日期: 2006
摘要: In order to understand the sampling time effect on the 2,4-TDI (Toluene diisocyanate) concentrations, laboratory and field tests were conducted in this study. An ADS (annular denuder sampler) and two OFFCs (open face filter holders) with different filters were tested for 1 to 120 minutes in the laboratory using 2,4-TDI gas. In the field study, the standard sampling method, the dual filter the triple filter and annular denuder systems were used at two workplaces to study the change of 2,4-TDI concentrations with sampling time from 15 to 60 minutes. The test results in both laboratory and field studies show that the sampling time influences the sampled TDI concentration considerably which may be due to reaction of TDI with water vapor and polyo in the sampling process. It is evident that as sampling time increases the TDI concentration decreases very significantly.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/12902
ISSN: 0149-6395
DOI: 10.1080/01496390600634780
Volume: 41
Issue: 9
起始頁: 1799
結束頁: 1812


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