Title: 生活型態意象看板圖片資料庫之建置
The Construction of Picture Database for Life Style Board
Authors: 莊明振
Keywords: 意象看板;生活型態意象看板;圖片資料庫;意象調查;意象匹配;image board;lifestyle board;picture database;image evaluation;image mapping
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: 近年來消費者選購商品的訴求,已從機能實用性轉為感性訴求,感性儼然成為消費者購買商 品的主要動機。設計的目標在喚起消費者購買的動機,產品的感性訴求則成為設計中非常重要的 核心。設計師欲達此目標,常於設計過程導入許多不同的方法,刺激設計思維,其中運用意象看 板方法則為最常見的方式之一。意象看板是一種運用直覺感知來表達設計與判斷意象差異的工具, 同時也可作為運用感性語彙評價產品的工具(林倍如,2000)。將意象看板的導入設計程序,設計 師透過製作意象看板如同移情作用(empathy),能夠充分理解使用者對設計的感受與體驗;另一方 面透過觀看意象看板,也可促使使用者主動探索與體驗產品設計中,設計師要訴說的產品故事。 目前雖已有許多有關意象看板的研究,不過都聚焦於意象看板e 化的構成方式,如Lucero & Martens 於2006 年提出支援意象看板於工業設計及混合式設計,提供構成意象看板的網路平台, 讓設計師自行建立相關圖片以及製作意象看板。其雖改變以手工製作意象看板以及紙本圖片收集 方式,充分解決龐大紙本佔據工作空間之問題,但是圖片收集仍需耗費龐大時間與人力,且圖片 收集與建置仍為設計師個人看法所為,並無法確保圖片與意象聯想的適切性。 有鑑於此,本計畫擬由Baxter 研究結果所提出之較大構面的生活型態看板作為研究主要對象, 以建構各生活型態消費族群相關意象圖片資料庫,解決收集圖片的耗時耗力。研究中,先收集大 量可應用於生活型態的圖片,並探討常用於設計之各種生活型態,並分析構成此生活型態之相關 意象,接著進行這些圖片與各生活型態的意象調查,透過意象空間匹配的方式,找出適合個生活 型態意象圖片,進而建構生活型態意象看板資料庫。如此可提高生活型態族群與圖片表達的適切, 避免圖片定位、分群流於設計師個人主觀。同時研究成果,可適合於聯合設計或參與式設計中整 合意象認知差異問題。 本計畫的研究成果將大幅影響設計程序過程,整體而言可提升產品設計的效率,增加產品意 象表達的精準度。同時,其可擴充意象看板操作工具的使用對象,如設計產業、'製造業或教育業, 且得以增加參與設計的人數,符合以使用者為導向的設計核心精神,貼近使用者的需求,增加使 用者對於產品的愉悅性與滿足感。
In recent years, the demand of consumers buying goods shifts from functional practicality into emotional appeals. The emotion appeal has become the main motivation of consumers in purchasing goods. Since raising the motivation of consumers to buy is one of the principal design goals, the emotional appeal becomes the critical core of product design. To achieve this goal, designers have applied many approaches in the design process. Among these approaches, the use of image board to stimulate idea is of the most common one. Image board can be used with intuition to express and differentiate product image. It can also be used as the tool for emotional evaluation. (Lin, 2000) By introducing image board into design process, designers can be empathy with users to deeply understand their feeling and experience about the design when producing the image board. On the other hand, by observing the image board, users can actively explore and experience the product story told by designers. Although there have been many studies on image board, but most of them focusing on how to produce image board in an e-network platform. For instance, Lucero & Martens (2006) proposed a tool for industrial design and mixed design activity, allow designers creating pictures and producing image board in an e-network platform. It change the way of producing image board by hand and the time consuming method of collection pictures, thus, solve the problem of huge workspace needed to accommodate large amount of pictures. However, it still needs to spend huge time and effort collecting pictures. Furthermore, the selection of pictures o expressed the target image is still dependent on the subjective view of designers, the appropriateness of the pictures for the target image cannot be guaranteed. With this concern, this study will address to the production of lifestyle board proposed by Baxter, because of its larger dimension of usage covered. The object of this study is to establish a database for providing proper pictures to express image of different lifestyles, decreasing the load of needing a lot of time and manpower to collect pictures. Firstly, some commonly used lifestyles in product design will be identified, while a large number of pictures which can be applied to express the lifestyle image will be collected, analyzed and classified. The image of lifestyles and pictures then will be explored through a SD evaluation survey. Pictures suitable for each lifestyle will be derived by using the analysis of image mapping. This approach can improve the appropriateness of selecting pictures to express a demanded lifestyle and avoid the risk of selecting pictures by designers’ subjective opinion. The objectively selected pictures may be suitable for proving shared image in a cooperated or participatory design. The results of this study will significantly affect the design process. It can enhance the efficiency of product design and increase the accuracy of expressing design image. Moreover, it can expand the use domain of this tool, to include industry, manufacturing or education sector. It can also allow more people involved in the process of creating image board which can better match the core spirit of the user-centered design and increase the pleasure and satisfaction of users.
Gov't Doc #: NSC102-2221-E009-104-MY3
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/129986
Appears in Collections:Research Plans