標題: 資訊時代中的高等教育學術倫理:行動學習內容之發展與研究
Research Ethics in Higher Education in the Information Age: Development of Cross-Platform Mobile Learning Content
作者: 周倩
關鍵字: 學術倫理;雙層次測驗;行動學習內容;恐懼訴求;案例教學法;設計本位研究;台灣大學生;research ethics;two-tier test;mobile learning contents;fear appeals;case-based instructional methods;Design-Based Research;Taiwan college students
公開日期: 2015
摘要: 隨著資訊科技之發展,網際網路不但提供了新的學習、溝通與傳播途徑,亦成為學術界嶄新之研究工具。雖然科技之進步,為現今之學術工作帶來極大的便利與多元資訊,然而,資訊科技發達之同時,也衍生許多學術倫理之挑戰:研究生與大學生在撰寫報告、構思議題或引用網路資料時,都可能會因為有意或無知,而忽略了學術上的倫理規範。對於學生之學術倫理另有概念之澄清,更成為亟需加強之重要教育議題。 本研究擬透過訪談與問卷,輔以雙層次測驗之發展,探究資訊時代中高等教育學生對於學術倫理之現有與另有概念。本研究擬以現今學生對學術倫理之另有概念為主題,融合不同訊息呈現架構與案例教學法之運用,分別發展適合研究生與大學生之學術倫理行動學習內容,並擬於課堂中以此實際進行教學,藉由設計本位研究流程,多次根據實施結果進行修改,以達到最佳教學成效。最後,依照實施結果提出後續研究之建議,俾利高等教育學術倫理之未來推展。
The advent of technology brings about new means of communication and knowledge sharing in recent years. The Internet itself has become a useful tool for research, and a considerable number of studies are carried out in the world of cyberspace. However, with the bloom of the Internet makes research work easier, it appears to facilitate academic dishonesty and triggers ethical challenges to research. To prevent sloppy or careless research studies, students in higher education need to be aware of the academic ethical issues they may face. Moreover, it seems particularly important, for educators, to clear up students’ misconceptions in research ethics. The current study aims to investigate Taiwanese college students’ and graduate students’ understandings of conducting research studies and examine their misconceptions in research ethics using two-tier tests. Moreover, a mobile learning content targeted at their misconceptions will be designed and developed. The fear appeals theory and the case-based instructional method will be integrated in the instructional design. The Design-Based Research (DBR) method will be used in the implementation of the mobile learning content to refine the learning materials. Finally, interpretations and explanations of the results will be provided. The implications for future studies will also be presented and discussed.
官方說明文件#: NSC102-2511-S009-002-MY4
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/130010