DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorSUN CHUEN-TSAIen_US
dc.description.abstract總計畫將由兩方面來扮演子計畫間協調整合的角色。首先是在研究議題設定與眼動實驗設計方面,總計畫將協調各子計畫三年目標的進度,使研究成果能夠連結並相互參照,有助於對圖文整合學習資源與認知機制的整體了解。舉例而言,從多媒體畫面的複雜度來觀察,約略可分為固定的圖文整合畫面、系統變動的圖文整合畫面、與使用者操控的圖文整合畫面等三個階段,其所牽涉到的眼動歷程(包括注意區域與注意時段)都相當不同,總計畫將連結各子計畫在此三階段的細部目標,使得整體研究結果能夠呈現不同階段的細部認知歷程,並提供眼動分析控制系統各功能模組的設計建議。 其次,本整合計畫分為兩大區塊:【能力與認知交匯】與【動機與認知交匯】,前者包括子計畫一的先備知識或語文能力與圖文理解、子計畫四的先期遊戲經驗與遊戲畫面認知、子計畫五的先備知識與動畫閱聽、子計畫六的先前空間能力與尋路歷程,而後者包括子計畫二的動機信念與自我調制及自我障礙、子計畫七的自我焦點與投入。總計畫將由此兩大面向,整合子計畫的文獻蒐集與理論模式,並在二個月一次的定期會議上,共同探討眼動行為的底層認知機制、其在不同圖文複雜度上的表現,及其對學習歷程與結果所產生的影響等。在這個共同的理論基礎上,各子計畫再發展和個別研究主題相關的特定情境、由子計畫三支援分析工具,進而配合PISA趨勢來設計圖文整合評量介面,以及相關的學習活動,深入探討以閱讀與解決問題為核心的學習動機、歷程、評量等問題。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe proposed joint project will take two approaches to coordinate seven projects. First, in respect of setting research issues and designing eye-movement experiments, we will synchronize the sub-goals in separate projects so as to effectively link findings and sharing new perspectives. Together, our research conclusions and implications will help understanding the use and comprehension of graph-text-integrated learning resources. Second, the joint project is composed of two areas: skill/cognition interweavement and motivation/cognition interweavement, the former includes project 1, 4, 5, and 6, the latter 2 and 7, with project 3 provides technical supports and system innovation for eye-movement monitoring and control. Together we will cover varied Internet platforms including electronic books, animation, digital games, and electronic maps, and study issues regarding attention, comprehension, self-focusing, self-regulation, and self-avoidance. We will closely follow the problem-solving framework initiated by PISA assessment, and focus on subjects of junior and senior high school students. This project will form a joint task force of scholars from psychology, education and information technology and cover research dimensions of cognitive theories, learning theories, technology usage analysis, learning system design, and meta-cognition. In this three-year project we will investigate the above issues in a tightly-coupled collaborative way to better understand how contemporary information technology and interface shape the reading and problem-solving processes in specific, and learning in general, of students who have varied motivations, cognitive styles, and cooperative models. We will propose a systematic evaluation framework for web-based resources in terms of learning and suggest more learning-minded design principles.en_US
dc.title國高中生閱讀理解網際網路提供的各類圖文及相關問題解決: 學習動機、線上-離線認知歷程及注視驅動鷹架-總計畫:國高中生閱讀理解網際網路提供的各類圖文及相關問題解決: 學習動機、線上-離線認知歷程及注視驅動鷹架zh_TW
dc.titleReading and Solving Problems with Digitized Images and Texts among 7 to 12 Graders: Motivation, Online-Offline Process and Gaze Promoting Scaffolden_US