標題: 新穎高效率混合型之奈米粒子光電元件-子計畫五:高效率奈米粒子之合成與材料特性之分析
Synthesis and Materials Characterizations of High-Efficiency Fluorescent Quantum Dots and Colloidal Nanoparticles for Novel Hybrid Gan Nanodevices
作者: 陳登銘
關鍵字: 微波輔助水熱化學合成;膠體奈米粒子;發光量子點;奈米結構_x000d_ 發光效率;Microwave-assisted Hydrothermal Synthesis;Quantum Dots;Colloidal_x000d_ Nanoparticles;Nanostructure;Luminescence Efficiency;Hybrid GaN_x000d_ Nanodevices
公開日期: 2015
摘要: 本計畫為整合計畫之子計畫五,總計畫之主旨在於藉由實驗與模擬的結 果,開發最佳化之混合型光電元件。為配合總計劃製作新穎高效率混合型 氮化鎵奈米光電元件,本計畫基於混成型之量子點發光二極體與太陽能電 池光電元件特性模擬之結果,利用微波輔助水熱化學合成法製備表面官能 機修飾、發光顏色不同且具備高轉換效率的發光量子點與膠體奈米粒子, 並對上述奈米材料進行微結構、發光光譜與光電物理特性的鑑定與分析, 最終冀望經由總體計畫密切的整合能製作高效率光電元件。本子計畫經由 適當的材料設計預期將開發各類型二六族與三五族發光量子點與膠體奈米 粒子,以供其他所有子計畫使用。
The goal of the overall project is to develop optimized novel hybrid GaN-based optoelectronic devices based on experimental and simulation results. To operate in coordination with the rest of the subprojects to fabricate novel high-efficiency hybrid optoelectronic GaN nano-devices such as LED and solar cells, this research (Subproject 5) is attempted to prepare and provide all of the subprojects various types of high-efficiency quantum dots and colloidal nanoparticles of II-VI and III-V semiconductors with different emission color and functionalizations by using the microwave-assisted hydrothermal synthesis. We plan to further carry out microstructure, spectroscopic and optoelectronic physics characterizations and analysis. Eventually, we will fabricate novel and high-efficiency hybrid optoelectronic nanodevices through appropriate research integration.
官方說明文件#: NSC102-2221-E009-151-MY3
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/130227