標題: 華語聲調知覺處理之時序問題初探
Temporal Divergence in Mandarin Tone Processing
作者: 賴郁雯
Lai Yuwen
關鍵字: 華語;華語聲調;柵欄典範;⾳音素監測;視覺字典範;Mandarin;tone processing;visual word paradigm;tone monitoring;gating paradigm
公開日期: 2015
摘要: 聲調與⾳音素在聲調語⾔言之⼝口語感知均具舉⾜足輕重之地位,但前⼈人研究對於聲調(超⾳音段訊息)
及⼦子⾳音⺟母⾳音(⾳音段訊息)的整合與競存以及何種實驗模式較適合研究聲調感知並無定論。 本研
paradigm) 實驗,以精準控制受試者所接收之語⾳音表徵,了解四個聲調被提取的時間是否有
其訊息提取速度進⾏行推測,第三年則使⽤用眼動儀,以視覺字典範(Visual Word Paradigm) 探
測四個聲調辨別的速度,以及辨別過程中與其他聲調競爭者間的競存現象。 本研究的研究
重點有四: 1)研究華語四個聲調的處理之時間差異 2) 聲調和⾳音段訊息在訊號處理的過程中被
激化的時序,3) 超⾳音段訊息之處理是否與⾳音段訊息存在交互作⽤用,以及4)⽐比較三種實驗典範
Word recognition in tone languages has long been a fascinating subject in the field of
linguistics, yet the temporal unfolding of tonal information relative to segmental information
is still unclear and the results from different experimental settings yield conflicting results.
We propose a three-year project utilizing the same sets of stimuli in three types of tasks to
examine the time course of Mandarin tone recognition. Three experiments will be
conducted: 1) Gating paradigm- an quasi-offline task 2) Vowel and Tone monitoring
paradigm- offline task and 3) Visual word paradigm - online task. Specific issues the
present study aims to investigate are 1) the intrinsic temporal divergence in Mandarin tone
processing, 2) how tonal and segmental information are accessed when processing
spoken words in Mandarin 3) whether there are interactions between tonal and segmental
informations during the processing and 4) how the experimental settings may affect the
results in tone processing. We hope to demonstrate that both intrinsic acoustic features of
tones as well as the interaction between segmental and tonal information need to be taken
into consideration when constructing models for spoken word recognition in Mandarin.
官方說明文件#: MOST103-2410-H009-030-MY2
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/130422
Appears in Collections:Research Plans