Title: | 共產主義理念重估:唯物辯證法與歷史發生學 Re-thinking Communist Idea: Materialist Dialectic and Historical Ontology |
Authors: | 劉紀蕙 LIU CHI-HUI 國立交通大學社會與文化研究所 |
Keywords: | 共產主義;唯物辯證;歷史本體論;平等;理念;巴迪烏;章太炎;跨文化_x000d_ 哲學;Communism;materialist dialectic;historical ontology;equality;Idea;_x000d_ transcultural studies;Badiou;Zhang Taiyan |
Issue Date: | 2015 |
Abstract: | 本計劃以「共產主義理念重估:唯物辯證法與歷史發生學」為主題,探討唯物 主義辯證法與歷史發生學的激進政治意義。本人以跨文化哲學研究的切入點,分三年 進行:第一年探討當今歐陸學界對於共產主義理念之重估,並回溯六十年代法國左翼 受到毛澤東思想影響所展開的思考路徑,這些疏理將聚焦於共產主義理念的基本平等 原理,理念透過歷史符號外顯與實體化的問題,物質潛勢與唯物辯證的概念。第二年 將深化「一分為二」以及「評法批儒」這兩個思想辯論,進一步討論共產主義理念如 何在馬克思的思想以及馬列教科書不同形式的流通與影響下,在二十世紀中國五十年 代與六十年代的特定政治歷史脈絡中,以唯物辯證的模式進行局部主體化的行動,並 且思考這個歷史過程牽動唯心主義的觀念形式與立場對立所彰顯的問題。第三年透過 評法批儒的哲學辯論以及歷史文獻,回溯毛澤東對於章太炎的閱讀,並進一步疏理章 太炎在《國故論衡》以及《檢論》等所討論的儒法問題,探討中國古典思想如何構想 共產主義理念的「公」的平等,如何檢視理念透過歷史符號而實體化,如何分析物質 潛勢與唯物辯證所涉及的「法」的自然與「法」的規範,以及如何探討「歷史」發生 的問題。這些根本問題層次的思考,都試圖重估中文脈絡的唯物主義思想是否可以回 應共產主義理念所提出的問題。 This project is a transcultural study of the concept of radical equality. The aim of this project is to re-think the Idea of communism and examine the concepts of materialist dialectic and historical ontology in terms of radical equality. Contemporary European re-appraisal of the Idea of Communism, especially by thinkers such as Alain Badiou, Jean-Luc Nancy, Georgio Agamben and Jacques Rancière. Alain Badiou’s work on The Communist Hypothesis and his other studies on rational kernel of dialectic, ontology and appearance, the theory of subject, materialist dialectic and the logic of the worlds would be the core axis of my study. This project shall trace the concept of materialist dialectic and historical ontology in the context of Chinese classical thoughts, especially through the thinking of Zhang Taiyan and the incident of the debate between Confucianism and the School of Law. Thinkers such as Laozi, Zhuangzi, Xunzi, Hanfeizi and Fang Yizhi will be considered. |
Gov't Doc #: | MOST103-2410-H009-035-MY3 |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/130475 https://www.grb.gov.tw/search/planDetail?id=11264255&docId=453365 |
Appears in Collections: | Research Plans |