Title: 瀕危年代的情義經濟:台灣新農運動研究
Affective Economies in the Age of Precarity: A Study of Agrarian Renaissance in Taiwan
Authors: 蔡晏霖
tsai yen-ling
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: 當代台灣新農運動承襲自美日的實踐經驗,於近年開創多種另類產銷管道,藉由消費的
與商品化機制保持著什麼樣的距離?種種以 「人性」、「倫理」、「情感」、「正義」、「良
自然、社區、企業、與國家紛紛成為「倫理性主體(ethical subjects)」,這代表著「人性」
研究(affect studies)與環境人類學為理論基礎,盼能經驗性與批判性地深究情義經濟的
The past decade witnesses the rise of new ruralist movements to reclaim and create new
spaces and lifestyles around notions of food sovereignty, land justice and environmentalism
both in the Globe North and the South. This includes slow life movements, urban agriculture,
organic farming in the North, and the resurgence of farmers’ movement along with various
urban-rural connection initiatives in the South. My research project proposes to study the
above new ruralism and its volatile dynamics by examining the affective economies and its
politics in the context of Taiwan. In the past six years, farmers markets have developed
rapidly in Taiwan, whose number grew from fifteen in 2010 to over sixty in mid-2013.
Notably, notions of precariousness and the respondent ethical imaginations are overflowing in
alternative economies of such kind. Meanwhile, concepts such as social enterprise, ethical
consumption, and green governance are also gaining popularities amongst business and
bureaucratic circles. To what extent are these various forms of affective economics and their
ethical discourses inform, shape, and contest with each other? How do we constitute an
effective model of alternative economy, which can be truly human-centered and
community-based, in the current age of uncertainty and precariousness? My project intends to
answer these questions through grounded ethnographic studies among activists and farmers.
Proposed research methods include participant observation, engaged ethnography, in-depth
interview, and archival research.
Gov't Doc #: MOST103-2410-H009-050-MY2
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/130517
Appears in Collections:Research Plans