Title: 應用空載雷射掃描儀進行災區形變研究(II)
Mapping Earthquake Hazard with Airborne Lidar System (II)
Authors: 史天元
Keywords:  ; 
Issue Date: 2002
Abstract: 本計畫目標是探討雷射掃描資料的前期處理技術、藉由航測資料與地面測量數據分析驗證雷射掃描資料的精度、藉此了解資源與災害調查的應用潛力及限制因子,本計畫亦將舉辦說明會,製作資料的說明書與資料錄製分送等技術推廣工作.重要工作項目包括: 1. 資料蒐集, 2. 雷射掃描資料前期處理技術研究, 3. 野外查核及地面驗證, 4. 雷射掃描資料資料精度驗證分析, 5. 資源與災害調查應用之潛力評估, 6. 舉辦資料說明會, 7. 撰寫報告.預期效益: 1. 雷射掃描資料維護與管理,分送申請單位進行應用. 2. 建立雷射掃描前期處理分析技術. 3. 雷射掃描資料精度評估成果,提供資料適用性之參考. 4. 雷射掃描應用於災害調查之評估成果,據以提供作業時程、經費估計、資料精度等判斷依據. 
Airborne Laser Scanning System (LIDAR) can provide fast and detailed measurements of the terrain. In this study, the potential application of airborne LIDAR will be investigated with practical experiments. One or several sites which suffered from the 921 earthquake, will be selected for LIDAR mapping. The potential of LIDAR for hazard mapping will be studied by comparing the surveying result from different sources. Other potential applications of airborne LIDAR, such as forestry and utility lines, will also be explored. 
Gov't Doc #: 91農科-5.1.1-林-R1(8) 
URI: https://www.grb.gov.tw/search/planDetail?id=942524&docId=177361
Appears in Collections:Research Plans