標題: [新修] 化學(一)-96學年度
Chemistry I
作者: Henryk Witek
Open Education Office
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 課程首頁   本課程是由交通大學應用化學系提供。   General chemistry explores chemical phenomena in terms of atomic models and quantum mechanics, including the formation of chemical bonds, the shape of atoms, three states of matter, and thermal equilibrium.   In this semester, we will talk about the history of atomic models; introduce particles and particle dualism, and the quantum theory in embryo; learn about the difference between classical dynamic equations and Schrödinger equation along with the simplest examples of Schrödinger equation; and derive the hydrogen atom’s energy level through Schrödinger equation. Then we’ll move on to topics like wave functions and the orbital of hydrogen atoms, the periodic chart and the electronic configuration of chemical elements, and periodicity of the elements, etc. In chapter 2, we first introduce the forming of ionic bonds, the idea of how to build Lewis Structure, and exceptions to the octet rule and chemical bond properties. Chapter 3 is an introduction to valence-shell electron pair repulsion theory (VSEPR), valence-bond theory and molecular orbital theory. We hope students can thus establish a solid foundation of chemical knowledge after taking this course.
課程目標/概述   General chemistry explores chemical phenomena in terms of atomic models and quantum mechanics, including the formation of chemical bonds, the shape of atoms, the three states of substance, and thermal equilibrium. General chemistry is the main fundamental course for chemistry and other related majors in university. The course objective is to build up students’ knowledge about substances and their reactions. Through these courses, we lay down for students of chemistry and other related departments a fine groundwork for their specialized studies in the future. The lecture will closely follow the textbook.   課程章節   章節 內容 Chapter 1 Atoms:The Quantum World Chapter 2 Chemical Bond Chapter 3 Molecular Shape and Structure Chapter 4 The Properties of Gases Chapter 5 Liquids and Solids Chapter 6 Thermodynamics:The First Law Chapter 7 Thermodynamics:The Second and Third Laws   課程書目  Chemical Principles:The Quest for Insight,Atkins,Peter,and Loretta Jones.,W.H. Freeman and Company (2004,4rd.) 評分標準   項目 百分比 期中考 40% 期末考 40% 小考 20%  
預備知識:Basic Chemistry
URI: http://ocw.nctu.edu.tw/course_detail.php?bgid=1&nid=530
Appears in Collections:Open Course Ware