Title: Probing the exciton-phonon coupling strengths of O-polar and Zn-polar ZnO wafer using hard X-ray excited optical luminescence
Authors: Lin, Bi-Hsuan
Chen, Huang-Yeh
Tseng, Shao-Chin
Wu, Jian-Xing
Chen, Bo-Yi
Lee, Chien-Yu
Yin, Gung-Chian
Chang, Shih-Hung
Tang, Mau-Tsu
Hsieh, Wen-Feng
Department of Photonics
Issue Date: 7-Nov-2016
Abstract: The temperature-dependent hard X-ray excited optical luminescence (XEOL) spectroscopy was used to study the optical properties of O and Zn polarity of a c-plane single crystal ZnO wafer. By analyzing the XEOL and XRD, we found an unprecedented blue shift of the free exciton transition with increasing the excited carrier density as tuning the X-ray energy across the Zn K-edge, and the O-polar face possesses better crystal structure than the Zn-polar one. This spectral blue shift is attributed to the Coulomb screening of the spontaneous polarization by the excited free carriers that result in decreasing the exciton-phonon Frohlich interaction to reduce exciton binding energy. Published by AIP Publishing.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4967743
ISSN: 0003-6951
DOI: 10.1063/1.4967743
Volume: 109
Issue: 19
Appears in Collections:Articles