標題: GOLDEN SNAIL OPERA: The More-Than-Human Performance of Friendly Farming on Taiwan's Lanyang Plain
作者: Tsai, Yen-Ling
Carbonell, Isabelle
Chevrier, Joelle
Tsing, Anna Lowenhaupt
National Chiao Tung University
關鍵字: experimental film;multispecies ethnography;friendly farming;golden apple snail;multiple ontologies;Taiwan
公開日期: 1-十一月-2016
摘要: Combining video and performance-oriented text, this genre -bending o-pen la is cm multispecies enactment of experimental natural history. Our players consider the golden treasure snail (kim pi Pomacea canaliculata and relatives; golden apple snail), first imported to Taiwan free Argentina in 1979 for an imagined escargot industry, but now a major pest of rice agriculture in Taiwan and across Where()s farmers in the Green Revolution's legacy use poison to exterminate snails, a new generation of friendly, farmers ( youshan xiaonono in Taiwan's Man snails and attempt to learn enough about their lives to insert: farming as one among many multispecies life ways within the paddy. Drawing on a variety if sources, including personal experience, international science, social media, traditional calendars, and local understandings of ghosts and deities, these farmers construct an experimental natural history of both new and old paddy field denizens. Their experiments self-consciously intersect with the investigations made by other species of the paddy field. Our article offers an ethnography cif both kinds of experiments, human and nonhuman. Video and text together show the performative features of cross-species acquaintance. In the process, we contribute to debates about radical alteriv, showing how anthropologists can do more than sort for difference: we can identify vernacular patches of practice that mix and juxtapose many ontological alternatives.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.14506/ca31.4.04
ISSN: 0886-7356
DOI: 10.14506/ca31.4.04
Volume: 31
Issue: 4
起始頁: 520
結束頁: 544


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