標題: Dynamic Tuning and Memory Switching of Defect Modes in a Hybrid Photonic Structure
作者: Wang, Hsiao-Tsung
Wu, Po-Chang
Timofeev, Ivan V.
Zyryanov, Victor Ya.
Lee, Wei
College of Photonics
關鍵字: photonic crystals;dual-frequency liquid crystals;energy-efficient photonic devices
公開日期: 1-十月-2016
摘要: We propose a memorable and electrically tunable photonic device by infiltrating a dual-mode chiral-doped dual-frequency liquid crystal (LC) as the central defect layer in a one-dimensional photonic crystal (PC). According to the transmission properties of this structure, the wavelength tunability of defect modes is obtained by manipulating the LC layer in the dynamic mode due to the electrically controlled birefringence effect. Moreover, the switching between two memorable states, the splay and pi-twist states, creates two distinct sets of defect modes at null voltage. The spectral characteristics of this device ensure its potential application as an energy-efficient multichannel wavelength filter.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/cryst6100129
ISSN: 2073-4352
DOI: 10.3390/cryst6100129
Volume: 6
Issue: 10
起始頁: 0
結束頁: 0


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