標題: Group key management with efficient rekey mechanism: A Semi-Stateful approach for out-of-Synchronized members
作者: Chen, Yi-Ruei
Tzeng, Wen-Guey
Department of Computer Science
關鍵字: Key management;Key distribution;Multicast security;Broadcast encryption;Self-healing
公開日期: 15-Jan-2017
摘要: This paper addresses the problem of managing a cryptographic group key among a large and highly dynamic group of members, who may miss group key update (rekey) messages frequently. We propose two provably-secure and practical schemes: KeyDer-GKM and ReEnc-GKM. The rekey process in these schemes has an O(logN) rekey message and O(logN) computation and storage cost for a member, where N is the number of group members. Moreover, our schemes have the following distinct features. (1) Each member is given only one private key and O(logN) public information. The private key remains unchanged during the membership period. For the public information, a member can hold them locally and update accordingly from each rekey message, or get them from a public bulletin if needed. (2) The size of published information is O(N) no matter how many rekey processes occur. The computation cost for a member, who has missed some rekey messages, to compute the up-to-date group key is always O(logN) no matter how many rekey messages have been missed. Our KeyDer-GKM scheme is very efficient since it can be implemented by using hash and XOR functions only. Our ReEnc-GKM scheme allows a member to reduce the cost of computing the up-to-date group key to one decryption by outsourcing logN operations. Both of our schemes are shown immune to the collusion attacks. For KeyDer-GKM, a set of collusive members cannot recover an unauthorized group key. For ReEnc-GKM, a set of collusive members cannot distinguish an unauthorized group key from a random string. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.comcom.2016.08.001
ISSN: 0140-3664
DOI: 10.1016/j.comcom.2016.08.001
Volume: 98
起始頁: 31
結束頁: 42
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