標題: Bio-Inspired Supramolecular Chemistry Provides Highly Concentrated Dispersions of Carbon Nanotubes in Polythiophene
作者: Lin, Yen-Ting
Singh, Ranjodh
Kuo, Shiao-Wei
Ko, Fu-Hsiang
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
關鍵字: pi-stacking;noncovalent interaction;carbon nanotubes dispersion;hydrogen bond interaction
公開日期: 1-六月-2016
摘要: In this paper we report the first observation, through X-ray diffraction, of noncovalent uracil-uracil (U-U) dimeric 7r-stacking interactions in carbon nanotube (CNT)-based supramolecular assemblies. The directionally oriented morphology determined using atomic force microscopy revealed highly organized behavior through pi-stacking of U moieties in a U-functionalized CNT derivative (CNT-U). We developed a dispersion system to investigate the bio-inspired interactions between an adenine (A)-terminated poly(3-adeninehexyl thiophene) (PAT) and CNT-U. These hybrid CNT-U/PAT materials interacted through pi-stacking and multiple hydrogen bonding between the U moieties of CNT-U and the A moieties of PAT. Most importantly, the U center dot center dot center dot A multiple hydrogen bonding interactions between CNT-U and PAT enhanced the dispersion of CNT-U in a high-polarity solvent (DMSO). The morphology of these hybrids, determined using transmission electron microscopy, featured grape-like PAT bundles wrapped around the CNT-U surface; this tight connection was responsible for the enhanced dispersion of CNT-U in DMSO.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/ma9060438
ISSN: 1996-1944
DOI: 10.3390/ma9060438
Volume: 9
Issue: 6
起始頁: 0
結束頁: 0


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